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The flat tax and Iowans – who misses $ more?

By Brad Hicks

Gov. Reynolds rolled out the idea of a 4 percent flat tax for Iowans during her Condition of the State Address a few weeks ago. It didn’t take long for people to line up along party lines and either jump for joy or claim it’s the end of Iowa as we know it. 

Making igloos: some things never change

By Shane Goodman

With winter weather in the forecast, I can’t help but think of the countless hours I spent as a child playing in the snow. Sledding down hills. Having snowball fights. Making snowmen. But there was one snow activity I could never seem to master — igloo making.

Mont St. Michel and its towering monastery

By Jim Sloter

Blank computer screens, help from above

Ink Spots by Molly MacDonald

Random thoughts whilst sitting at the computer staring at a blank screen. I haven’t a clue what to write about this week. Not a clue.

 My friend, long-time columnist Dorothy Muckey, once told me when that happened to her, she would just look heavenward and say, “Ok, God, I need help.” She said it always worked, and I’ve tried to emulate her ever since. So . . . Ok, God, I need help.

Long time area resident moving back to Holland

Out of the Past by Gene Miller

150 Years Ago

The boxes in the P. O. have been repainted. Perhaps our P. M. thinks that they will bring a good price on account of their improved appearance - when the new Post Master takes charge.


125 Years Ago


Go to budget hearings


So many taxpayers don’t understand how government works. Here is a lesson. Right now, your local governments are building budgets for the 12 months that start July 1. They are determining how to spend dollars right now. When your local governments implement these changes isn’t the time to question or learn about them. That time is now. Read the proposed budgets and go the hearings. 

FAMILIES OF FAITH: Be anxious for nothing

By Rev. Al Foote, Pastor, Evangelical Free Church, Algona

ON THE SIDE: Live your life your way in the COVID era

When COVID-19 began to spread throughout this country about two years ago, fear became a commodity. Politicians began trading in it immediately, seizing power and taking measures they determined were for our own good. Some health experts became the go-to for people based solely on their personal beliefs. Some great scientists who had a handle on what was happening were ignored in favor of the outrageous.

LEGISLATURE: What lawmakers said after week one of session

The Iowa Legislature gaveled into session last week. Below are excerpts of what lawmakers had to say about it. Included are Rep. Henry Stone, R-Forest City, and Rep. Terry Baxter, R-Garner, both of whom represent portions of Kossuth County in the Iowa House; Sen. Dennis Guth, who represents Kossuth County in the Iowa Senate; and Jennifer Konfrst, D-Windsor Heights, who is the House Democratic Leader.


TRAVEL DIARY: Normandy - a grim reminder

By Jim Sloter

OUT OF THE PAST: 1897: Self rocking baby cradle invented in Armstrong

By Gene Miller

150 Years Ago


Senseless battles over power to run elections

Posturing for power has long been the name of the game in Washington, D.C. Americans are ignorant to think the shenanigans and ploys undertaken today are any different than those committed during our nation’s history. The only real difference is that with the prevalence of social media, the politicians themselves openly take positions in hopes of “trending” in front of their favored supporters. 

OUR KOSSUTH COUNTY: How to beat the SAD winter blues

By Mia Hegarty-Roach, KRHC Psychologist

As the days get colder and daylight hours remain short, many people find themselves feeling down. They may feel blue around the holidays or fall into a slump after the fun and festivities have ended. Some people have more serious mood changes, lasting throughout the fall and winter when there’s less natural sunlight.

This seasonal depression is called seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. 

FAMILIES OF FAITH: Just be. God loves you!

By Rev. Micah Mitchell, Pastor, Lighthouse to Nations, Algona

ON THE SIDE: Feelin’ good

You know people who smoke weed. You might not know they do, but chances are you have friends, coworkers, people you share a pew with at church, other parents whose kids are active with yours, or family members who find relief, relaxation, joy or satisfaction from smoking pot. There is an effort in the Legislature to legalize pot, perhaps a political ploy in an election year. Backers want to treat it like alcohol.

THE ADVANCE EDITORIAL: What Legislature should do in 2022

The Iowa Legislature gaveled into session this week, and over the course of the next several months we are going to read and hear about a lot of proposals, all of which are pointed at meeting the demands of some segment of society that needs to be addressed or some special interest group with an agenda and a pile of cash. All that aside, in no particularly order, here’s what the Legislature ought to do in 2022:

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