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He’ll go down in history

By Shane Goodman


Our Kossuth County

Local airport gives wings to area economic development

By Barb Smith


Even a small airport can play a big role in economic development. General service airports, like our Algona Municipal Airport, connect our rural community to places around the United States and beyond.


By John Crookshank


House numbers are not only convenient for finding addresses but necessary for emergency responders to locate those in need. When responding to an emergency, seconds matter so be sure the Fire, Police and Ambulances can easily and quickly locate your address.

The best friend Algona children ever had

150 Years Ago

Santa Claus has visited the Drug Store of L. A. & C. R. Sheetz and left his pack. Don’t fail to stop and look at it. Also the Drug Store has just received a large and entirely new stock of Holiday Gifts. All the youngsters are invited to give them a call.


125 Years Ago

Letter to Editor

Counting blessings

Letter to the Editor:

Letter to Editor

We have so

much in common


To the Editor:

Letter to Editor

Pride in a small town

Letter to the Editor:

The Tale of the Toymaker


There once was a toymaker.

But he was more than a toymaker. Call him an engineer, an architect, a designer, if you will. He created many fantastic things. He settled down to making toys, not because he couldn’t make other things, but because toys delighted him so. There were two special toys, fashioned like a boy and a girl that he designed with extra special care.

Check your train ticket to California

150 Years Ago

The M. E. Sabbath School will have their usual exercises on Christmas Eve, for which great preparations are already made. The exercises are to be held in College Hall. A trifling admission fee (15 cents we believe,) will be asked, to meet the actual expense. The arrangements for Christmas tree are on a grander scale than usual, and everything betokens a merry Christmas Eve. All are invited.


125 Years Ago

Of fun times just a few years ago

In December of 1984, I wrote an Inkspots column about some of my college memories. I have no clue what to write about this week, so I’m going to cheat and resurrect that old column. If you were around in 1984 and read it, just pretend you didn’t. The chances of you remembering it, anyway, are slim to none. So, here goes:

Ask An Expert Your Holiday Questions

By Meredith Nelson

Kossuth County Extension


If you are anything like me, maybe you ask yourself a lot of questions during the holiday season. One I often find myself asking internally is, “How should I REALLY store this pumpkin pie – on the counter, or on the fridge?”.  Thankfully, you, me and the rest of Iowa have a great resource to turn to so we don’t have to answer this and other questions ourselves: AnswerLine.

Don’t underestimate classic games, toys


Christmas is a time of toys and games, as well it should be. And although some of these trendy items barely last through a single holiday season, others seem to last the test of time. Decades after their introduction, they are still popular as gifts today. See if a few of these bring back memories or if you have purchased them recently.


The Slinky

Throwback: Santa goes to school

From the archives of the Algona Upper Des Moines newspaper. — Santa Claus and five of his helpers pulled away from the fire station here about 1 p. m. Tuesday (just a few days early) and headed for the school located in the northeast portion of the city where they visited 11 students and their teacher, Mrs. Clyde Dudley. Good Ol' St.

Writers and Writing

A Hill Country Christmas warms the heart


A Hill Country Christmas

Michael Barr, Lynn Dean, Gail Kittleson, Gina Lister and Shannon McFarland

Wordsmith Publishing

ISBN 979884226144


By Michael Tidemann


The Daily Umbrella

Elisha B. Lee gets his stone

By Shane Goodman

I have had a fascination and a respect for cemeteries since my youth. Regardless of where I have lived, I have frequented graveyards to gain a better understanding of the family names and the history of the community.

Out of the Past

150 Years Ago

Why Will You Ruin Your Eyesight By Using Common Glasses, When you can purchase Lazarus & Morris’ Celebrated and Perfected Spectacles and Eye Glasses, The Best in the World. They are recommended for Purity and Material, Brilliancy of Finish, and their Strengthening and Preserving Powers, in which they excel all others. They last many years without change. For sale in this locality only by Rumsey Bro’s, No. 2 Russell House Block, Algona, Ia.


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