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Families of Faith

Rev.Chris Burtnett

Pastor, First Congregational United Church of Christ

Pray for unity- but don’t stop there!


Throwback: Vaudeville Show Kicks Off Bancroft Centennial

From the June 7, 1980 Algona Upper Des Moines. The people of Bancroft held an old fashioned card party and vaudeville show last Sunday in the basement of St. John’s Church to raise money for the community’s Centennial which will be celebrated next summer. One of the skits recalled the ‘Saturday Night Bath’ a weekly event in a wash tub in the kitchen, portrayed by Mary and Jim Oliver.


Of Mother Nature and the Suffragettes

Perhaps by the time you read this, the Arctic blast of sub-zero temperatures and blizzard conditions will have worn themselves out. We can only hope. I’m writing this as the wind is circling the house at about 40 miles an hour and snow is piling up everywhere.

Out of the Past

Religious census taken in Algona

150 Years Ago

STRAY. --- Notice is hereby given that on or about January 8th 1874 there came to my premises in Fenton Township Kossuth County, Iowa, a bay mare with black mane and tail, star in forehead, left hind foot white, ten hands high, from ten to fourteen years old, and with foal. The owner can have his property by proving property and paying charges. LYMAN HAWKINS.


125 Years Ago

On the Side

Control, chaos and servanthood

The quadrennial invasion of Iowa is over.

Coffee shops are drained of caffeine-fueled reporters and campaign staffers.

The free publicity that comes with serving a legendary tenderloin or the most incredible barbecue a presidential candidate will experience has skipped town to temporarily reside in another state.

Our Kossuth County

Get moving this winter with the Algona Rec. Dept.

By Nick Diers

Parks and Rec


Staying motivated to be active during these cold winter months can be tough. The Algona Recreation Department is here to help with a variety of programs for both kids and adults.

The Daily Umbrella

Same problem - different device


The younger generation today is often criticized for spending too much time on their cell phones. Kids in my generation were criticized for spending too much time watching TV. Same problem. Different devices.

Families of Faith

Listen more, speak less

By Rev. Tamara EnTin, pastor at Algona and Irvington First Presbyterian Churches

For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation.  God alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall never be shaken. Psalm 62:1-2

Our Kossuth County - We put the GO in Algona

By Vicki Mallory

Algona Chamber


Plan accordingly

We may not have had a white Christmas, but we do have a white Jan. 9. Iowa sparkles beautifully with snowflakes a few months each year. Many of us have learned to enjoy its beauty — and its challenges. 

This is Iowa, and it snows. Fortunately, the snowstorms are typically quite predictable. So, like most things in life, dealing with snow requires planning. Here are six tips for those who are committed to getting to work or getting most anything done while the snow falls.

Families of Faith

Responding to Jesus

Rev. Al Foote

Pastor, Evangelical Free Church, Algona

Throwback: Somewhere-Sometime in Algona

If you guessed the intersection of Jones and State St. for last week’s photo you were correct. Ruhnke’s Sinclair is the only business building remaining that is somewhat recognizable although it has been remodeled over the years. The best guess for the year is early 1950s. The block kitty corner does not yet have the VFW building although the foundation appears to be there. The block directly east where the Iowa State Bank drive-up is now has seven businesses and five residential homes.


Of a handsome grandson and the Holy Ghost

Out of the Past

Advertising is cheap in the Advance

150 Years Ago

Notice is hereby given that open bids for the building of a school house in Sub. Dist. No. 1 Wesley Tp. will be received at the Ward school house on the 2d day Feb. at 12 o’clock. Specifications may be seen at Wm. Ward’s.  House to be finished by May 1st. -- J. P. Gray, Sub-Director.


125 Years Ago

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

I thought you would like to know that are some very thoughtful, generous people here in Algona. Early this week I received gifts from two of them.

One was of Algona Bucks and the other was a payment toward my AMU bill. Both parties wished to remain anonymous. Since I have no way to thank them personally, I hope they read this letter in the newspaper and know how much I appreciate their generosity. God bless them.

Our Kossuth County

Prevent illness by boosting your immune system

By Rauchelle Meschke and Alyse Kern



Winter weather is here and now is the time to take charge of your health. Do you have a cold that just keeps lingering? Or do you seem to pick up every illness that goes around?

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