For the past six years, the “Hunting With Heroes” group from the Lakota area has inviting war veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars to come to hunt pheasants in November for a weekend of healing in the field and a big banquet at the old school on Saturday evening.
Jason Becker, along with his father Bernie, spear head that event and looked to broaden the recognition of it by maybe making a special night of racing at the Kossuth County Speedway after they were contacted by Fair Board President Mel Haler to ask if they would be interested.
They thought it was a great idea and went with it as the two parties got together to start work things out. The Beckers contacted the local legions in the area to notify them of the night of racing with the “Salute to the Veterans” theme as the veterans and their spouses got into the races free. Each veteran was given a free drink and registered to win various raffle prizes.
For more on this story, please see the Aug. 3 issue of Kossuth County Advance.