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think about spring and the great activities to come

The main topic of conversation right now everywhere we go is the weather. And, for good reason. However, this too shall pass, and spring will be here.
Let's think spring and beyond to all the great activities coming up. Chamber-sponsored events will kick off April 1 with Women Networking Together.
Get all the details in the Feb. 28 Kossuth County Advance.

Lawrence Welk rules

Something very sad occurred in my home last Saturday evening ... my spouse and I watched "The Lawrence Welk Show," at 7 p.m. on PBS ... and ... we enjoyed it. Oh, no! I'm becoming my parents.
Actually, we thoroughly enjoyed it and the bit about becoming my parents – I'm just kidding. I think.
Read Gene's whole column in the Feb. 28 Advance.

the highlands

Leaving Pictou and the sailing ships behind, we took our time, making several stops along the way as we traveled east and north along the north coast of Nova Scotia's Cape Brenton Island on our way to Cape Brenton Highlands National Park.

88% of bills approved with bipartisan backing

On the House floor for action last week: House Files 223, 262, 264, 266, 291, 292, 323. This was the first debate of the session, and it saw the passing of seven bills with overwhelming bipartisan support. The 87th General Assembly passed 88 percent of its legislation with bipartisan support, and we are on our way to seeing more than that this session.
Read the whole guest editorial in the Feb. 28 Kossuth County Advance.

Iowa should regulate pot like alcohol

Marijuana prohibition is ineffective and expensive. While law enforcement and the court system have done their best to enforce prohibition, prohibition has not made Iowans significantly safer or healthier.
Despite this, Iowa spends millions each year to arrest, prosecute, jail, imprison and punish thousands of nonviolent Iowans for possessing a product that is less toxic, less addictive and less lethal than alcohol.

Of not-so-long-ago memories

Wade, our last-born, texted from Los Angeles the other day asking if I knew what time he was born. I can barely come up with the year any of our five offspring were born – how in the world would I remember the hour? I suppose some super-mothers do, but I probably wouldn’t like them much.

What's behind judge selection proposals?

Procedures on how Iowa nominates new district court judges are probably going to change. Republican majorities in the Iowa House and Iowa Senate are planning to send Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds a bill that would alter the makeup of the nominating commissions that select finalists for openings.

Plan fixes nominating process that isn't broken

On "Iowa Press" this week, Rep. Holt, the chair of the House Judiciary committee railed against the current process of selecting members of district and state judicial nominating commissions. Yet, he did not identify one judge that was the product of this process who was not fit to be on the bench.

Bills on hunting, eagles, rescue pets, judges

Because of my background as a sportsman, I have become the go-to person on the Natural Resource committee for hunting, fishing and recreational issues. The past four years I've spent considerable time outside of the capital learning even more on the issues facing conservation, water quality and natural resources in the state of Iowa.

Stinson Prairie Arts Counci becomes more regional, adds experiences

The Arts Council began the year with an annual meeting and election of officers. Many exciting plans are being made for the upcoming year.
The first change is in the vision of the Arts Council and its role in providing fine art experiences to the public.
Read the full column in the Feb. 14 Kossuth County Advance.

Abortion, judges and education

Several important pieces of legislation began the journey to becoming law this week. Three of those are as follows: an amendment to the Iowa Constitution that would stop the court from negating legislation on abortion, a bill that gives citizens more say in who is nominated for open judge seats, and funding for education.
Read the whole column in the Feb. 14 Advance.

Election case

After receiving a report from the Contested Election Committee (CEC), the Iowa House voted to dismiss a contested election for House District 55. The contestant, Kayla Koethers, originally lost to incumbent Michael Bergen by nine votes. The CEC, led by Rep. Holt, concluded that the contestation lacked support by Iowa Code 53.17, Iowa Administrative Code 721.21.14(53) and legislative history surrounding the adoption of HF 2273 in 2016.

Budget work

As week three wraps up at the capitol, many bills are in the process of being drafted, and subcomittee meetings are in full swing.
We also continue with discussions on budget issues. The House and Senate are working on separate budget proposals.
Find the House Happenings in the Feb. 7 Kossuth County Advance.

Stray kittens, football and stuff

It occurs to me that I haven't given you an update recently on the stray cat family that dines on my porch every evening. I'm sure inquiring minds want to know. Sorry to have kept you waiting.
If you are a latecomer to this column (and please bring a note from home explaining why you are late), I started feeding a little gray cat a couple of years ago. I named her St. Francis because I'm crazy about St. Francis and have his statue next to the birdbath.

School transportation

The third week of the 2019 session saw legislation working on a wide variety of ideas in subcommittees. There are more than 200 bills already filed. I'm sure there will be at least that many more.
One of interest to rural Iowa is Senate File 58. It provides more flexibility for rural schools in transporting students to school activities.
Read the whole column in the Feb. 7 Kossuth County Advance.

Bill would change how compensation board picked

This week I have filed a new bill, HF 78, relating to the earliest school start date. This bill gives Iowa K-12 schools permission to start after the last day of the Iowa State Fair.
HF 117, relating to the composition of county compensation boards, intends to have counties form compensation boards from city council members and countee trustees, appointed by a temporary board of peers, to serve as the county compensation board.

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