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Freedom Flight embraces the traditional western

The traditional Western, a genre that saw its height from the 1940s to the 1960s, seemed to go out of disfavor for various reasons. Regionalism, a trademark of many Westerns, somehow took on a bad name. Modern society also seemed to forget the Western, deeming it colloquial. While Louis L’Amour seemed to weather the storm, even well past his passing, many other Western authors seem to have struggled to place their books on bestseller lists.

Nov. 26 Letters to the Editor

Excerpts from this week's letters to the editor are:
Pro-life means pro-life
I am puzzled as to why the person in the recent letter is so puzzled by the pro-life signs. The signs state: Pro Woman, Child, Life; and Life, Respect it, Protect it. They do not say pro-pregnancy or freely vote to populate the planet. I’m puzzled as to what she saw. So many say because we are pro-life we are only pro-birth or one-issue voters. This is so far from the truth. 

Dearth of curiosity

Prior to the 1990s, trained journalists who wanted to investigate something were taught to follow the money. The only money-following today is chasing the cash that comes with internet clicks, which apparently don’t add up very fast when the truth is revealed, particularly if it doesn’t fit your readership’s or viewership’s demands.

A Thanksgiving like no other, God willing

In the years I’ve been inhabiting this Inkspots space, I’ve written about 147 columns about our family’s past Thanksgivings. I said “about,” so don’t lecture me on exaggerating, the about allows me to use any number I fancy. And today, I fancy 147 – it has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?

An almost normal holiday season - many Chamber events still on!

It’s time for all the holiday activities – but what is that going to look like this year? Here is what we are doing through the Chamber to try to keep a little bit of normal during this crazy year that we are all working through.

Blessed count

Giving thanks when times are difficult is too much for many people, and if we are frank, most. Over the past few months, I have encountered people who are measuring their lives in loss. Some of the loss is financial, and some of it is employment. Some of it is missing friends, some of it is the basic lack of contact with others, some of it missing church, and some of it is missing routine practices such as shopping or bowling or exercise.

Nov. 19 Letters to the Editor

This week's Letters to the Editor are on the following topics and submitted by the following individuals. See the full content of the letters in the Nov. 19 Kossuth County Advance.
Pro-life or pro-pregnancy?
As I drive around seeing pro-life signs, I am puzzled. Do the people who have these signs truly mean they support all life as the sign suggests? by Karen Dannewitz, Algona 
United States will end quickly

Walls 15 feet thick, 320 steps to the top

After landing in Helsingborg (new country, new language, new money), we located their city center and cashed travelers checks at a bank. From there, we drove to their massive 11th century Karnan tower fortress with walls up to 15 feet thick at the base, parked and walked up 320 steps to the top for a view of the city, surrounding countryside and across the sound for a view of Norway and the Kronborg Castle. 

K/PACEDC issues industry report

Kossuth/Palo Alto County Economic Development Corporation is pleased to announce the completion of the 2020 Economic Impact snapshot for Kossuth and Palo Alto counties. The generation of this report was a collaborative effort. Partners in the project included MidAmerican Energy, Iowa Workforce Development, and K/PACEDC’s CEO Steering Committee which is made up of CEOs and individuals in leadership roles in both counties.

Now thank we all our God

In 1617, a German Lutheran pastor from Saxony by the name of Martin Rinckart was called to serve a congregation in his home city of Eilenberg. The 30 Years’ War broke out the following year. Many flocked to Eilenberg for safety because of its fortified walls. But, they would find little protection. The city soon ran out of food. Fights broke out over dead cats and birds in the streets. Then the Plague set in. 

Former POW's story shrinks size of world

Johann Cassens is representative of the more than 10,000 German prisoners in the Camp Algona system. He was captured 26 June 1944 and arrived at Camp Algona on 20 July 1944. He was in this system until he was sent to Fort Crook, Neb., on 28 January 1946 for processing to be sent home.
Read about what happens at the Camp Algona POW Musem decades later that links this prisoner to the present in the Nov. 12 Kossuth County Advance.

Out of the Past...

... Mrs. B. F. Reed, who had been visiting her brother Cheever Hudson, at Mitchell, S.D., got home election day and cast her first vote for president. Mrs. Reed brought word that there was a great blizzard at Mitchell Sunday and Monday. Snow fell to the depth of two or three feet, and roads had to be cleared before traffic could be resumed. ...
Read more local history in Gene Miller's Out of the Past column in the Nov. 5 Kossuth County Advance.

Join a round church so the devil...

... From there, we made a point to see Copenhagen’s unique Frederiks Kirke – also called the Marble Church – which dominates the landscape with its huge, 95-feet-wide dome. Seeing that church reminded me of my father saying he should join a round church so the devil couldn’t corner him. ...
Read this entry of Jim Sloter's travelogue and learn more about the church and other parts of Denmark in the Nov. 5 Kossuth County Advance.

Museum wants your boy toys

A museum is not immune to the effects of a pandemic. Many museums across the state and nation closed down and had to cancel events. The Kossuth County Historical Museum was no different. After over a year of closure because of basement reconstruction, the historical museum was ready for visitors once more. A new ramp was installed for easier accessibility, items returned to their home in the basement, and everything was cleaned and polished. It was ready to go.

Letters to the Editor - Nov. 5

Read this week's Letters to the Editor in the Nov. 5 Kossuth County Advance. Here are excerpts:
...On behalf of AAUW-Algona Branch, I want to thank the Kossuth County Advance for the article, “What Local Candidates Would Have Said…” in last week’s paper. ...

Pray without ceasing, even for your governmental leaders

... It is at this point in your life that you ought to remember that your duty as a Christian citizen does not end on election day, and that neither does your duty as a Christian citizen end when your favorite candidate is not in authority. 

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