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Letters to the Editor

Pay equity again

To the Editor:

It’s time to talk about Pay Equity again. This year March 15 was chosen as the day on which woman workers make as much in 14 1/2 months as their male counterparts make in 12 months. The sad part of the situation is that covid has taught us, among other things, how necessary women are in the workforce. 

On the Side

By Brad Hicks - publisher

One’s trash is...

One’s garbage is another’s treasure – and perhaps a place for a warrantless search.

There is a bill in the Iowa House that already unanimously passed in the Iowa Senate to allow law enforcement to rummage through people’s garbage without a warrant in an effort to locate evidence of a crime. 


By Rev. Walt Reemtsma, pastor of Burt, Lone Rock Presbyterian Churches


37 He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the greatest and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ Matt: 22: 37-39


Our Kossuth County

By Joe Carter


The core values of the district are at the center of everything that we do: Respect, Integrity, Students First, and Excellence. Those core values are lifting all of us, both students and staff, to Rise to the Occasion and Reach for the Future. The RISE mantra is everywhere in the Algona Community School District, and most importantly it creates the framework for how we treat others and how we make decisions.

Fields of sunflowers, vineyards in Spain

By Jim Sloter

Our travels in Spain in 1983 were restricted to the northeast corner, but even so, it gave us a feel of the country.  

Of non-happenings and swell words

By Molly MacDonald

Since my last several columns seem to have been laden with my travel/computer/dishwasher/emergency room woes, I thought I’d try to focus on happy stuff this time around. 


 I haven’t had any travel woes since last we met, mainly because I haven’t traveled anywhere.

Dr. Read prepared to vaccinate

By Gene Miller - Out of the Past

150 Years Ago

VACCINATE - Dr. S. G. A. Read is prepared to vaccinate all who may need his services. Now is the time to prevent small pox, and save our community from the ravages of this terrible disease.

125 Years Ago

Letter to the Editor

Comments on the SOTU response by Gov. Kim Reynolds 

Dear Editor,

Reporters more scarce than bald eagles

By Shane Goodman

“I never thought I would witness the day when reporters were more scarce than bald eagles.”

That’s a quote from a newspaper publisher who was referencing a recent story in Daily Clips, a publishing industry newsletter. The story is entitled, “Our Local-News Situation Is Even Worse Than We Think.” The headline is startling. The numbers are frightening.

Consider this from the story: From 2004 to 2020 the number of…


Dusty people

 By Rev S. Kim Peterson, pastor at Good Hope Lutheran in Titonka

It is that time of year when you will hear about some churches placing an emphasis on Lent. On Ash Wednesday you might see some people running around with a cross made of ashes, a mark placed on their foreheads from an Ash Wednesday service.

On the Side

By Brad Hicks - Publisher

Giving us gas


President Biden, it is reported, plans to release oil from strategic reserves in an effort to tamp down gasoline prices at the pump. There is also talk of eliminating the federal gas tax for a period of time.

Business survey shows growth

By Maureen Elbert


Letter to the Editor

Why let Europeans control America?

To the Editor:

What’s wrong in America – letting the Europeans control how American live? We won the war in Germany and have spread our free world values to all the European countries. The Russians have already lost everything, except their land, and they can stay over there in my view.

Andorra, 4 rivers and 32,000 citizens

By Jim Sloter

Nestled in the Pyrenees mountains with one main road, four rivers and 32,000 citizens, Andorra intrigued us – so much packed in so little space. 

Icy road claims life of Lone Rock farmer

By Gene Miller  - Out of the Past

150 Years Ago

Subscribe for the Algona Times, the only straightforward Republican paper in Kossuth County. The Times is not the organ of any clique or faction, but a bold, outspoken journal, devoted to the interests of Algona and surrounding country.


125 Years Ago

Operator, won’t you help me...

By Shane Goodman


Jim Croce asked for help from a telephone operator to place a call in his 1972 hit song “Operator (That’s Not the Way It Feels).” And in 1972, using a telephone operator for assistance was common. But what about today? When was the last time you spoke with an operator? Even the term operator seems antiquated now. Sounds more like a surgeon.

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