I find it truly ironic that some of our elected representatives are railing against the proposed $8 cap on the current obscenely high overdraft fees as government overreach - - yet, some of these same elected officials support taking away an individual’s Reproductive Freedom.
Open letter to Representative Henry Stone (and all area Legislators)
I am writing in response to Rep. Stone’s Week 8 newsletter. It is extremely concerning that Republicans find it necessary to continue attacks on public schools by insinuating that Iowa’s dedicated social studies educators are not doing their best for our young people and our country.
More than 280 fifth graders from all over Kossuth County were guests of the Kossuth Shrine Club at the 42nd annual Abu Bekr Shrine Circus on Saturday, April 9, 1992 at the Sioux City Municipal Auditorium. The ever-popular trip to the circus is sponsored annually by the Shrine Club.
Kyle Mueller was one of many youngsters who got a ride on the elephant.
Des Moines, Iowa, is the setting for Original Sins, a crime thriller by Erin Young, author of The Fields. Young lives in Brighton, England, and this is her second book. Both books are based in Iowa.
Kossuth/Palo Alto County Economic Development Corporation has completed their annual Business Survey. Our survey shows impressive results for Kossuth and Palo Alto Counties. The 158 businesses who participated were asked to complete the survey using an internet site called “Survey Monkey.”
The select lands owned by the Jackson Land Company and Messrs. Paton & Agnew Trustees, of the city of New York, will be offered for sale on easy terms. The coming spring with Land Office at Algona in charge of Wm. H. Ingham.
Of another flight, another (too small to mention) glitch
Some of you may recall I whined a bit in my last column about how it is sometimes hard to come up with topics for Inkspots. However, I now have another travel-by-airplane experience to relate. I flew to Nashville with daughter Heather for a weekend at the home of daughter Meg and spouse.
When Jolene and I first started dating, I took her to meet my father, and we went to church with him in Whittemore, population 497. She noticed that most of the cars were backed in on the angled street parking in front of the church and asked me why that was. I didn’t have an answer. People had parked that way as long as I could remember. They probably still do. She coined a phrase for this type of back-in parking: Whittemore-style.
Finally, a breakthrough back to common sense. Find peace in today’s turmoil as author Rob Cross shares his unique and powerful tools to help your audience thrive in this uncertain climate. In his book, Flip Your Thinking: To Ignite Your World, he reveals simplistic and highly effective ways to flip how we think to restore hope and to transform how we approach life.
From the Algona Upper Des Moines newspaper archives from Jan. 8, 1981. The Old Bryant School, built before the turn or the century was demolished last summer to make room for a new Bryant, currently under construction. The front door archway was preserved for inclusion in the new building. Classes will begin in the new structure this fall. Cost of the project is about a million dollars.
Power players in Iowa Senate are aiding and abetting
The Iowa legislature is considering a bill designed to combat "organized retail theft" of property from stores. Lawmakers supporting the measure said they wanted to deter looting, which has happened in some U.S. cities.
Judge Brockway of Hancock Co. was in town the first of the week and honored us with a call. This gentleman had not visited Algona for the last seven years, and expressed much surprise over its growth and prosperity. The Judge is entitled to be called an old settler, he having become a citizen of Hancock County in 1860.