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Ink Spots

The case of the screaming clothes dryer

I recently had a Nancy Drew moment. Sort of. Okay, it probably wasn’t a Nancy Drew moment, but humor me.

Writers and Writing

The Waters a novel of healing and redemption


The Waters

Bonnie Jo Campbell


ISBN 978-0-393-24843-2



Every once in a great while, a novel comes along that draws you into a different world you don’t want to leave.

Out of the Past

First year of the Algona Public Library


150 Years Ago

A prominent citizen of Grinnell, on Friday last, discovered that another man had been sharing his family bed during his absence from home. He sought the man, who acknowledged the fact, whereupon the husband shot him, the ball taking effect in the man’s leg.


125 Years Ago

The Daily Umbrella

Would you like to see a monkey?

Families of Faith

Untie the bow

By Walt Reemtsma, Pastor at the Burt and Lone Rock Presbyterian Churches

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118: 24

Throwback: This cannon to fight again

From the Algona Upper Des Moines newspaper dated Sept. 29, 1942.

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor:

Readers of the Kossuth County Advance were recently led to believe that somehow livestock manure is linked to cancer rates. The January 9 edition of the Kossuth County Advance displayed a large map and headline that blared, “Cancer rates in Iowa linked to manure pollution.”


Last week’s Throwback was a class photo from Algona, not Wesley.

The Daily Umbrella

Tried and true remedies

Have you had a bout of the wintertime sniffles yet? Or something worse? If not, you likely will. When you do get sick, do you have any tried and true remedies you rely on? Most of us have some that were handed down by our parents or grandparents that we think make a difference — or at least make us feel a bit better while the sickness works its way out of our bodies.

Out of the Past

Ski-Masked bandit hits Wesley Bank

175 Years Ago

In the ten years of the fifties Iowa had an unusual number of census enumerations.  There were federal counts of 1850 and 1860, and between them were state counts in 1851, ‘52, ‘54, ‘56, and ‘59. It is therefore easy to measure in cold figures the exact proportions of the Iowa movement. Beginning with 192,214 people in 1850.


150 Years Ago

Our Kossuth County

Driving our community forward: City of Algona taxi service

By Rick Murphy, Mayor of Algona

Getting where you need to go safely is important – especially during these cold winter months. The City of Algona provides a taxi service, to assist people with their transportation needs within the community.

Families of Faith

Fruits of the Spirit. One of the Basic Faith Groups.

By Chris Burtnett, Pastor at First Congregational United Church of Christ in Algona

One of the five basic food groups that constitute a well-balanced diet is fruit. (In case you are wondering the other four are vegetables, grains, protein and dairy). Eating something daily from each of these groups helps us to maintain good health, providing essential nutrients we all need to function well.

Throwback: Good old school days in Wesley

This photo from the Wesley school sometime in the 1950s was sent to Algona Publishing to share with readers. Maybe our readers will recognize some names and faces.

If you have a photo you think our readers would be interested in seeing please send it to

Back row: Donald Cook, Phil Schneider, Evelyn Mckim, Larry Christensen, Pete Langmack, Durwood Walker and Jack Norman.

Our Kossuth County

Open your mind to the world

By Donna Steven, Lakota Public Library

Ink Spots

Of my undying, but somewhat timid, love of horses

All of my life, I have had a love/fear relationship with horses. I love how beautiful they are and I long to gallop over meadows on a black beauty named Declan. Or Sean. Or Kieran. (I love Irish names - hence my German Shepherd, Seamus.) However, up close, they’re - well - big. Even ponies are kind of large.

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Dear Republican Legislators:

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