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Join a round church so the devil...

... From there, we made a point to see Copenhagen’s unique Frederiks Kirke – also called the Marble Church – which dominates the landscape with its huge, 95-feet-wide dome. Seeing that church reminded me of my father saying he should join a round church so the devil couldn’t corner him. ...
Read this entry of Jim Sloter's travelogue and learn more about the church and other parts of Denmark in the Nov. 5 Kossuth County Advance.

Museum wants your boy toys

A museum is not immune to the effects of a pandemic. Many museums across the state and nation closed down and had to cancel events. The Kossuth County Historical Museum was no different. After over a year of closure because of basement reconstruction, the historical museum was ready for visitors once more. A new ramp was installed for easier accessibility, items returned to their home in the basement, and everything was cleaned and polished. It was ready to go.

Letters to the Editor - Nov. 5

Read this week's Letters to the Editor in the Nov. 5 Kossuth County Advance. Here are excerpts:
...On behalf of AAUW-Algona Branch, I want to thank the Kossuth County Advance for the article, “What Local Candidates Would Have Said…” in last week’s paper. ...

Pray without ceasing, even for your governmental leaders

... It is at this point in your life that you ought to remember that your duty as a Christian citizen does not end on election day, and that neither does your duty as a Christian citizen end when your favorite candidate is not in authority. 

Congressional efforts to ban combustion engine detrimental to ethanol, Iowa economy

From Iowa Farm Bureau Federation President Craig Hill:


Writers & Writing: Angels of the Night

Read this month's Midwest book review by Michael Tideman in his Writers & Writing column on the Commentary page in the Oct. 29 Kossuth County Advance. Here's a tease:
...Police and anti-human trafficking activists are beset with a slate of trafficking victims who find themselves embroiled in several ways. Most tragic was the case of Mary Jacinto, a Latina woman whose battered and bruised body was found in a park restroom....

Letters to the Editor - Oct. 29

Check out the Letters to the Editor in the Oct. 29 Kossuth County Advance. They are:
Response to pastor’s mask wearing, freedom letter: Pastor Brad Sherman’s letter in last week’s Advance was a tiresome, self-centered whine grounded in politics rather than science. The efficacy of wearing face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic are indisputable among professionals in the fields of epidemiology and virology. ...

Election thoughts

... Let’s sum what we’ve learned since June: Trump bad, Biden good. Biden bad, Trump good. Greenfield bad, Ernst good. Ernst good, Greenfield bad. I hope that helps you make a decision, if you are one of the people who have yet to vote. Around 40 percent of the total Americans who voted in the last presidential election had already voted by the time of the last presidential debate 12 days before election day. ...

Go tell Aunt Rhody the old gray goose is dead

... For the next seven days, I sang “Go Tell Aunt Rhody” approximately 754 times, along with “Hail, Hail to Michigan,” “On Wisconsin,” “My Sigma Nu,” and the rest of the odd assortment of songs whose lyrics are permanently emblazoned in my otherwise forgetful brain....
To whom was Molly singing? And, why? See her Inkspots colunn in the Oct. 29 Kossuth County Advance.


While driving through Humboldt last week, out of the corner of my eye I saw the temperature on an electronic sign. It said -197○ F. I blinked and then peered through my rearview mirror to look at it again. It did say -197○ F. How strange I thought and then, “Yep, it’s 2020.” As I thought more, seeing that sign recording -197○ Fahrenheit seemed surreal which is exactly how this year has felt. 

Are you good soil?

... Let us look at what the characters, and what the soils represent in this parable. The sower is God. The seed is the Word, the Bible. The different soils are people. You and I, and everyone in this world. So back to my original question; “Are you good soil?  ....
Read more of the Rev. Madison's Families of Faith entry in the Oct. 22 Kossuth County Advance.

The Autobahn traffic was absolutely wild

... If I moved over to pass, I would see headlights a mile back in my rear view mirror flashing as if to say: “Get out of my way, I’m coming through.” ...
Read more about Jim and Marsha's adventure in the Oct. 22 Kossuth County Advance.

COVID 19 - Couple had it & Grandparent Disputes Statements

Take it from them, COVID is for real
To the Editor:
After some nudging from many friends, I have decided to write this letter to explain the journey that Ken and I have been on for over a month. 

Ag and Motorsports Museum getting back to normal

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to alter our lives, but as time passes and more knowledge becomes available about how the virus is transmitted and how people are affected, efforts toward normalcy continue. Schools have reopened, sports events are happening, and more business establishments are finding ways to provide services to their customers.

Pass the test?

Will the adults wind up in charge at the University of Northern Iowa? Last week, the UNI Student Government voted against granting formal recognition to a UNI chapter of Students for Life, a pro-life organization that exists on some other college campuses. The UNI Student Government labeled the organization a “hate group” with “opinions that get people killed.” It’s likely the UNI administration is going to step in and address the matter, but it has yet to do so.

YHWH Rapha – the Lord your healer

... Physical sickness is only one kind of aliment. There is also mental sickness. It seems like every year more and more people are diagnosed with anxiety disorders, personality disorders, and substance abuse disorders and I could go on. However, the Bible points to a much greater sickness at the heart of humanity, and it is a spiritual sickness. Everyone is afflicted by this disease and we are powerless against it on our own. But there is hope.

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