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Of my beloved, mostly hapless, first-place Chicago White Sox

You’re probably wondering why I’ve reproduced the American League baseball standings today. Actually, the standings are not from today, or even from a few days ago. They are the standings on May 20, two weeks ago. By now, I’m sure the rankings have changed. Specifically, I’m sure the Chicago White Sox are no longer in first place. 
Read all of Molly MacDonald's Inkspots in the June 3 Advance.

President Hoover loved baseball

...President Hoover once made the comment, “Next to religion, baseball has a greater impact on our American way of life than any other institution.”
Read more about Herbert Hoover, Iowa's only president, in Out of the Past in the June 3 Advance.

We are hungry

35 Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”  John 6:35

It's time to enjoy asparagus

I’m starting to think that Mother Nature has her holidays confused. The temperature seemed much warmer back on Easter than it did on Memorial Day. Brr!

ADVANCE EDITORIAL: Getting ahead of solar plans is lesson learned

There was one constant during the hubbub in Kossuth County a couple of years ago about a proposed wind farm development. That constant was a complaint from some parts that the county wound up relying too much on input from the wind farm developers in terms of the language and regulations that were used. 
Read the full editorial in the May 13 Advance.

ON THE SIDE: The Blues

It would be easy for a law enforcement officer who has pretty much seen it all to say the changing times are enough of a reason to hang it up. Cops across this country are resigning and retiring in droves because of the dangers of serving. In some cities, officers are targets of all types of verbal and physical attacks. Their profession is being marginalized and their departments defunded.

Support needed for college and career exploration

As we recover from COVID-19, Iowa is confronted with many challenges, among them a growing workforce shortage and declines in higher education enrollment. The percentage of high school graduates pursuing education or training beyond high school has declined for three years in a row for the first time in history. At the same time, the demand for skilled workers to fuel economic expansion greatly exceeds the number of people with the skills to fill open positions. 

LETTER: Iowa children need you to be foster parents

To the Editor:
May is National Foster Care Month. This is a time to celebrate the families who are making a life-changing impact for Iowa children and teens, and it is also a time to raise awareness for kids who urgently need safe temporary foster homes or forever adoptive families. 
Read the full letter in the May 13 Advance.

Sharing Benefits our schools

In the northern part of Kossuth County, the North Kossuth School District and North Union School District share a superintendent, business manager, human resources person and transportation director. It all adds up to each school district receiving an estimated $150,000.
Read the Our Kossuth County column in the May 13 Advance.

Jesus is with you

Have you ever had writer’s block before? I’m thankful that it is not a frequent problem that I face, which is nice because my role as pastor requires me to do a lot of writing. However, this week it’s my turn to write the “Pastor’s column” for the newspaper and that pesky writer’s block has hit me. 

Letters to the Editor - April 29

Here are this week's letters to the editor topics and writers. Read the full letters in the April 29 edition.
Concern over comment made by senator
To the Editor:
I would like to express my great concern regarding Senator Ernst’s remark quoted in the April 15 issue. 
Eulan Schuller, Burt
Diocese should honor people, not a plan
To the Editor: 

Please, criticize my sermon!

I love when congregation members criticize my sermons! I assume this is the case for most other pastors as well. 
Perhaps you’re thinking: “But Pastor, doesn’t it hurt your feelings when someone criticizes your sermon?” Nonsense! When it comes to preaching the Word of God, the truth and clarity of the preached Word far surpasses the feelings of the pastor in importance. 

Highlights with Henry, April 23, 2021

"No government should be without critics. If its intentions are good, then it has nothing to fear from criticism."
- Thomas Jefferson
We are about a week or so from wrapping up the legislative session, so I wanted to spend a little time discussing the budget, and the investments of the Iowa House Republicans. 

A $100 million increase in broadband infrastructure. 

Feenstra on adding D.C. as a 51st state

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Randy Feenstra (IA-04) released the following statement after House Democrats passed legislation that would make Washington, D.C. a state:

Love God, love others

In a recent conversation with my almost five year old grandson, I learned that in his words “sometimes the bad guy just comes out and you have to cry and cry.” He had just been released from being grounded for an action that was dangerous for someone so young. Hopefully, he will have learned from his experience.

Packing the court part of the loser’s playbook

... It is unbecoming, in a democratic republic, to have leaders who want to change the rules because they want total control. In fact, it’s the type of thing you see from losers in various games. Some people, if they can’t win on the merits, they try to change the rules. More nefariously, it’s what you would expect from tyrannical leadership...
Read the full editorial in the April 22 Advance. 

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