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Ink Spots

Of St. Francis (three) and Christopher Robin (one)

Most of you have probably figured out, if you read Inkspots with any regularity, that I’m very fond of dogs. And cats. And deer. And rabbits. And most other assorted animals, with the exception of indoor mice. Outdoor ones are fine.

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Out of the Past

Schools get less than requested from legislature

150 Years Ago

Resolved, That the County Treasurer be, and is hereby authorized to remit the penalties and interest on delinquent personal property taxes as provided in section one of Chapter Twenty-nine of the Acts of the Fifteenth General Assembly.


125 Years Ago

Families of Faith

Remember Who You Are

By David Grindberg, Pastor at First Lutheran Church, Algona


He approached the counter and glanced around, one hand fidgeting with the few coins hidden in his pocket.

His front door screen was ripped in four places and the mosquitoes were eating the baby alive.

Throwback: Bowling in Algona

Algona used to have four places for bowling. This ad for Brandt Bowling Lanes was found in the Aug. 26, 1952 issue of the Algona Upper Des Moines newspaper. Does anyone remember where it was located? Can you name the other lanes and where they were located? Email your best guesses to

Our Kossuth County

Kossuth/Palo Alto County 2024 Economic Impact Snapshot Report Released


By Maureen Elbert, K/PAEDC

Letters to the Editor

“Democracy is only as good as the education that surrounds it.”  – Socrates

Letter to the Editor

Iowa used to set the gold standard for education in the United States.  For many years, Iowa’s schools and students were rated #1.  Sadly, that is not the case today.

Out of the Past

Word processing for persons over 55


150 Years Ago

Harvey & Holden, proprietors of an eating house in Washington D.C., were fined $100 for refusing to accommodate Mr. Langston (colored) at their tables.  The suit of Purvis, who was refused accommodations at the same time, was laid aside.


125 Years Ago

Throwbacks: Corwith, Wesley
Families of Faith

He is my light

By Kent Madison, Pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Lakota

These first two verses in Psalm 27, they talk about light, and they talk about fear.

“The Lord is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear?”

“The Lord is the stronghold of my life—   of whom shall I be afraid?”

Ink Spots

An uninvited and very unwelcome guest


As a general rule, I don’t dislike mice. They’re sort of cute. Sort of. However, I don’t care to have one in my house. A mouse in my house I don’t care to have. (Sorry, couldn’t resist that.)

Letters to the Editor

If you want your voice heard, please remember the rules.


On the Side

Watering children

By Brad Hicks, Publisher

I didn’t water the plants in our yard as much as the last couple of years, thanks to the reduced intensity of our prolonged drought. The sump pumps in my house, during the summer, operated for the first time since April 2020, so I assume the groundwater supply is somewhat replenished.

Watering plants is an interesting process.

Sometimes you need to water the ground.

Out of the Past

150 Years Ago

Washington. Reports received at the Agricultural Department show that the wheat crop will nearly average that of last year. None of the large corn-producing states reach an average. There will be a fair crop of oats, potatoes and hay, but less than half a crop of tobacco.


125 Years Ago

ALGONA MARBLE WORKS. SHELLEY & PETTIBONE. Marble and Granite Work OF ALL KINDS. Factory on State St., east of J. B. Winkel. Algona, Iowa.

Families of Faith

In ???? we trust

Fellow Christian: In this season of politics, is your trust truly in God?  Or are you being ‘conformed’ into the value system of our society (see Romans 12:2)? Here are some questions that might help you determine where you are placing your trust:

Is your hope and sense of well-being more centered on who is in the White House or who is on the throne in heaven?

Throwback: Band Parade Winners 1953

From the October 8, 1953, Algona Upper Des Moines newspaper archives.

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