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Into the wild blue yonder

For many eighth graders, it was their first flight.  Saturday, Sept. 22, students took to the skies following a week-long science unit on flight at both Bishop Garrigan and Algona Middle School. Pilots from the Algona Pilots Association; the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Chapter 94, Mason City, and instructors from the Iowa Lakes Community College aviation program piloted the planes.
For more on this story, please see the Oct 11th issue of the Kossuth County Advance

'Tremendous' learning experience

There is one common theme for those involved in 4-H.
“4-H is a huge learning experience for everyone that is involved in it,” said Dianne Zeller, who has been a 4-H mother, leader and Kossuth County Fair judge. “I learn from the kids. It is a just a tremendous learning opportunity.”

80th birthday

Harlan Harms, Titonka, celebrates his 80th birthday. He was born Oct. 23, 1938. His wife and family wish to honor him with a card shower. Send best wishes and congratulations to Harlan at 3407 185th Ave., Titonka, 50480.

60th Anniversary

James and Rose Sprout, Algona, celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary Thursday, Oct. 11, 2018. They were married Oct. 11, 1958, in Riverside, Calif., and are the parents of three sons, Lawrence, Stephen, and Robert (deceased). Please send cards to 1713 E. Poplar St., Algona.


Rasmussen and Christoffel engaged
                Dwight and Ruth Rasmussen, Wesley, and Dean and Lisa Christoffel, Le Mars, announce the engagement of Gina Rasmussen to Derek Christoffel of Hinton.

Titonka stylist loves fixing bad haircuts

TITONKA — Meagan Norland drove 12 miles from Burt to Titonka to get a full highlight color at Katie’s Salon and Tanning.
“It was my first time coming here. It’s convenient because it is not very far from Burt,” she said. “I wanted to get a different look because it is not just one same color. It’s fun.”

Shriners Car Cruise raises money for hospital

Colleen Hagerty said she normally stops out to hassle all the people out at the Algona Manor Care Center, but last Wednesday night she visited to look at some of the cars that stopped by. “I heard about the cars and thought it would be a fun night.”

Algona Band Parade and Field Show; 70 years in the making

Algona Band Day does not just happen for 70 years without the tremendous amount of effort given by the community, that seems to have been a common theme from the comments of those that attended, volunteered or had a part to play the 70thedition of the Algona Band Day festival.


Ellisyn Larae Zaugg
                  Dylan and Ashleigh Zaugg, Ottosen, are the proud parents of a baby girl, Ellisyn Larae, born Thursday, Sept. 27, 2018, at Kossuth Regional Health Center. She weighed 8 pounds, 1.8 ounces and was 19.5 inches long.


Reed Christopher Forsythe
                  Dustin Forsythe and Allie Buum, West Bend, are the proud parents of a baby boy, Reed Christopher, born Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2018, at Kossuth Regional Health Center. He weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces and was 20.25 inches long. He was welcomed home by a sister, Riley.
                  Maternal grandparents are Greg and Coleen Buum, Armstrong, and paternal grandparents are Gary and Bettina Forsythe, West Bend.

Destination Progress 2018

Filled with celebration and information, today it has arrived at its destination.  It is the 2018 Kossuth County Advance 2018 Progress Edition.
By the numbers, it goes something like this:
140 Advertisers
64 Feature Stories
8 Sections of 8 Pages - All Color
6 Months in the Making
2.41 Gigabytes of Files
1 Community

The Bands come marching in

Local bands are preparing for the 70th Annual Algona Band Day Festival on Saturday, Sept. 28. The event includes an afternoon parade and an evening field competition. The Algona Area Chamber of Commerce and the Algona High School host the festival. The parade starts at 1 p.m. on State Street and the field competition begins at 5:30 p.m. on the Algona high school football field.
For more on this story, please see the September 27th issue of the Kossuth County Advance

Reflecting on AHS Homecoming week

ALGONA — As Homecoming has come to an end, Algona High School students reflect on the l week that they had. The week started off on Sunday when students from each grade came into school to create their hallway and billboards. The halls were filled with lots of games, like Monopoly, Life, Mario Kart, and Candyland. The hallway and billboard ranking was the same: first went to juniors, second to the seniors, third to the sophomores, and fourth to the freshmen.


Brysen Elijah Looft was born at 5:03 a.m., on Wednesday, May 30, 2018, at Mayo Clinic Health System in Fairmont, Minn., to the proud parents, Matthew and Brittney Looft of Swea City. 

80th Birthday

Eileen “Eiles” Bormann, West Bend, celebrates her 80th birthday Monday, Oct. 1. Cards may be sent to her at 1703 20th Ave., West Bend, 50597.


Aspen Jayde Penning
Josh Penning and Brittney Harms, Algona, are the proud parents of a daughter, Aspen Jayde, born Friday, Sept. 21, 2018, at Kossuth Regional Health Center. She weighed 6 pounds, 7 ounces and was 18 inches long. She was welcomed home by siblings Harmony, Kinlee and Jacob.

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