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It should start looking like planting season

KOSSUTH COUNTY—April is here, and many farmers and producers will soon be ready to plant corn and soybeans.
“Right now, probably all of their planting plans are finished,” said Trae Hestness, regional manager for the Iowa Farm Bureau. “They are all geared up and ready to go. They are working on planters. They are working on cultivators. They are getting everything ready for that switch to turn on.”

Voters should try to vote absentee in primary, local ballot set

ALGONA—The COVID-19 coronavirus is impacting the approaching primary election in Kossuth County, with a request to change voting habits and a reduction in polling places.

Family rallies S&B to make hand sanitizer

BANCROFT—It has become a family affair at S&B Farmstead Distillery to make sure there is enough hand sanitizer to assist frontline emergency medical professionals who continue to battle the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

National Guard delivers PPEs to Algona

ALGONA—A pallet load of personal protective equipment (PPE) arrived at Kossuth Regional Health Center on Thursday afternoon.
David Penton, Kossuth County Emergency Management coordinator, said the equipment is needed to not only protect the staff who care for people, but also to protect patients from staff who have been around other sick patients.

Chairman says county has a solid budget

KOSSUTH COUNTY—Now that the Kossuth County budget has been approved, Jack Plathe, board of supervisors chair, is happy the board didn’t have to make any major increases and it appears the county has a solid budget.

KCCF distributing $127,072 to local organizations

KOSSUTH COUNTY—The Kossuth County Community Foundation (KCCF) announced $127,072 in grant funding to 22 projects of organizations serving Kossuth County as part of its 2020 grant cycle.

Man with no ties to Algona provides scholarship to AHS grads

ALGONA — A 2018 Algona High School graduate realizes the Algona Community School Foundation (ACSF)has one of the best scholarship opportunities in the United States.

Schools appreciative of new money, but expected more

SWEA CITY—In smaller, rural Iowa school districts, school superintendents and school boards do what they can to keep the best employees. It includes funding help from the state of Iowa with supplemental state aid (SSA)  and this year, in addition, transportation equity.
“If we can’t provide raises to employees who deserve it, how are we going to keep them?” asked Travis Schueller, superintendent for the North Kossuth and North Union school districts.

Library offers storytime, galaxies game, egg hunt with social distancing

ALGONA—Despite the COVID-19 shutdown of the Algona Public Library, there are still library activities available to the public.
 Wonder of Space Storytime
Fridays through May 15, Wonder of Space Storytime online starts at 10 a.m. and is on the library’s Facebook page. The Beanie Baby puppies will have a short story and other activities to expand a child’s universe. It is for children from birth through age 5.
 How many galaxies game

Local donations of supplies sought for medical personnel

KOSSUTH COUNTY—Kossuth County officials are asking for donations of supplies to aid local first responders and health providers as the battle against COVID-19 continues.
Dave Penton, Kossuth County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) coordinator, said there is a need for disposable gloves, masks, carpentry face shields, gowns and Tyvek protective suits. Additionally, Kossuth County Public Health on Monday requested donations of thermometers.

Burt, Titonka suspend garbage pick-up

KOSSUTH COUNTY—At least two Kossuth County communities have stopped curbside garbage pick-up because of concerns their workers might be exposed to the coronavirus (COVID-19).
Kelly Fitzgerald, Burt city clerk, said other counties and cities, Forest City in particular, were told garbage is a concern with coronavirus.
“The (Burt City) council is concerned about worker’s safety. Workers are concerned,” she said.

30th Ledyard Easter egg hunt unlikely

LEDYARD—It is 99.9 percent guaranteed that the 30th annual Ledyard Easter egg hunt will not happen on Saturday, April 11 at 10 a.m. in Ledyard, according to coordinator Trudy Blome.
“The event has not been cancelled at this moment, but I want to say it is not going to happen,” said Blome, who has been associated with the Easter egg hunt for all 29 prior years. “How can it happen with everything else going on?”

KRHC opens area for respiratory care, limits visitors

ALGONA—As the state of Iowa continues to respond to health concerns about the coronavirus, or COVID-19, Kossuth Regional Health Center has responded by opening a respiratory care area and limited visitor and patient traffic inside the health care facility.

Kossuth, Algona economic development officials provide info about state grants, deferrals

ALGONA—State and local economic development officials are providing services to Kossuth County small businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and that includes the Kossuth/Palo Alto County Economic Development Corporation (K/PACEDC) and the Algona Area Chamber of Commerce.

Where will the library go?

ALGONA — The Algona Public Library will have a new location during the renovation of the current facility later this year.

EMS moved from KRHC to AHS

ALGONA — Within two hours, volunteers moved 90 percent of Algona Emergency Medical Services (EMS), from its original building to the automotive shop at the Algona Community High School.  On Wednesday, March 18, KRHC officials notified members of EMS that the hospital would like to use their building for the COVID-19 situation. The EMS building, located on the north side of KRHC is owned by the City of Algona.

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