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ILCC Trustees approve farm lab

The Iowa Lakes Community College (ILCC) Board of Trustees met Tuesday, April 21 via Zoom (to maintain social distancing measures). Delaine Hiney, executive director of Facilities Management, received approval to move forward with plans and specifications to construct a new farm lab facility at the Iowa Lakes Community College Farm located on the Emmetsburg Campus.

City employee policies updated

Certain personnel policy requirements are being suspended for employees in the city of Algona because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Voters should check the mail for absentee ballot request form

Kossuth County Auditor Amber Garman joins Secretary of State Paul Pate and auditors across Iowa in encouraging voters to cast absentee ballots by mail in the upcoming June 2 primary election. During the COVID-19 pandemic, voting by mail is the safest option.
Secretary Pate is mailing absentee ballot request forms to every active registered voter in the state. The forms should later this month and will include pre-paid postage for returning them to Garman’s office.

Should you be tested for COVID-19?

Iowa has lauched a screening website to help people determine whether they should be tested for COVID-19 coronavirus. You can take the screening at It takes about 10 minutes. You will be asked for contact information, work category, exposure to other people who may be positive or sick, your underlying health conditions, allergies, etc. There are statements about the security of your information.

Time to do some sprucing up around home

Does COVID-19 have you bored to death? Does your home need a little help? You are in the right place. Check out Section B of the April 23 edition to see our Spring Home Improvement special section. There are advertisements for services and goods within its pages, and there are some stories about projects as well.
Find the Home Improvement special section in the April 23 Advance.

Rotarians turn meal money into relief

In previous times, the Algona Rotary Club met at Chrome Restaurant and Catering for lunch every Monday. Now, restaurants are closed. Since the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, some Rotary members have decided to use the money they would have spent on a meal to help those in need in Algona.

They raised the bar for OB visits

Welcoming a new baby to the family can be a challenge during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, given the many hospital visitor restrictions. Thilges family members got creative for their visit at Kossuth Regional Health Center (KRHC) last week – and it  lifted everyone’s spirits.
Family members and friends were brought within a bird’s-eye view of the new baby on the third floor of the hospital with the help of equipment that lifted them up into the air.

Educators forced to adapt

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds’ original emergency declaration that schools must be closed through April 30 was expanded last Friday – children in the state’s K-12 schools will not be going back to classes the rest of this academic year Since the governor’s original announcement that closed schools in mid-March, Kossuth County school districts have found different ways to educate students.

Lu Verne student in STEM national forum

A Lu Verne Community School District third-grade student will participate in the National Youth Leadership Forum (NYLF) Pathways to STEM in Minneapolis in June. Triston Fillingim, 9, is in the talented and gifted (TAG) program at the school. Kristyn Olson, his third-grade teacher, nominated him.
“To be nominated for this is a huge honor,” Stevanie Cypert, Triston’s mother, said. “Triston will represent not only his school, but his entire school district.”

Mobile bidding bolsters Gala

The implementation of mobile bidding turned out to be a blessing for this year’s Bishop Garrigan Gala. Even though people could not bid on the auction items in person, the Gala generated $300,000.

Food for the community out of a school building

The West Bend-Mallard School District food service had just received a truckload of food for students when the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic closed Iowa schools. Sherry Schany, West Bend Mallard School District food service director, had to do something with the food, so she opened the Pop-Up Food Pantry in the school cafeteria for people within a 15-mile radius. School personnel will also deliver food to those in that 15-mile radius.

School board hears about voluntary learning plan, field project

Algona Community School District staff have developed different strategies to engage students during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. “The staff has had to learn and develop professionally on their own,” said superintendent Joe Carter. “They have come up with ideas, come up with strategies, come up with opportunities that they can provide for kids to continue to engage them.”

100+ Women donation helps those who need a home

The recent recipient of a grant from 100+ Women Who Care Kossuth County is Winding Roads, a foster care residential home for ages 18-20 in Lone Rock.

North Union prom, graduation still planned

Teachers and administrators have had to adjust how they educate students in the North Union and North Kossuth school districts because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Absentee voting for June primary begins April 23

DES MOINES – The absentee voting period for mailed ballots in Iowa’s June primary begins this Thursday, April 23. Secretary of State Paul Pate and county auditors across the state are encouraging Iowans to vote from home during the COVID-19 pandemic to reduce the risk of spreading the virus.

Rejoicing in the good, hoping for the better

The law (of God) operates in the categories of good and bad. The law tells us what to do and what not to do, what is holy and what is not holy, what is the stuff of life and what is the stuff of death. The gospel, however, operates in the categories of good and better.

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