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COVID-19 leads to a different way to worship

ALGONA—Several churches have opened, with restrictions, for worship services while others are opening soon.
“It has been a little bit of an annoyance to me that we talk about closing of worship,” said the Rev. Chris Burtnett of First Congregational United Church of Christ in Algona. “The church has not been closed. We were worshipping in a different way.”

Sweet treat at the Farmers Market

How sweet it is to have local honey available at the Kossuth County Farmers Market. One of our market vendors, Jean Dearch of Lu Verne, brings a beautiful array of homemade jams, jellies and honey from her own hives.

Exec sees challenging times for farming community

The next six to eight months will be a challenge for livestock and row-crop producers, according to Chris Boshart, the general manager and chief executive officer of Gold-Eagle Cooperative. “We don’t look for prices to have any miraculous return to pre-COVID-shutdown levels anytime soon,” he said. “We need some export policy, export business to help us out.”

reading books out of your comfort zone

Bennett and Bethany Fehr hold the castles they constructed. Submitted photos.
WEST BEND—Being stuck in a house for a period has found avid readers focused on books out of the normal.

Lakota man sentenced for dealing meth

SIOUX CITY—A Lakota methamphetamine dealer was sentenced Thursday, June 25, to 14 years in federal prison.
Christopher Paul Hanson, 30, received the prison term after a guilty plea to conspiracy to distribute at least 1,500 grams of pure methamphetamine and possession of a firearm by a drug user.
Read more about it in the July 2 Kossuth County Advance.

BGHS has its prom

Bishop Garrigan held its 2020 prom Saturday, June 27. It started with the grand march on the track. To adhere to social distancing guidelines, students were broken up into two groups with two sessions of prom. Students spent their session listening to music and playing after prom games such as minute to win it, cash cab, plinko and a few more. Bailey Meister, Kaylyn Meyers, Gracie Elsbecker and Cade Winkel get ready to play a game with cups. Submitted photos.

Museum open, looking forward to events

We are all aware that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost every phase of our lives, including limiting activities we normally enjoy. For nonprofit organizations, like the Kossuth County Agriculture and Motorsports Museum, normal activities that generate revenue needed to meet ongoing expenses have been, to a significant degree, curtailed. However, like many organizations, adjustments have been made, certain activities have resumed and plans for future events scheduled.

Our Christian journeys are always surprising us

I want you to know how great this community has been during this difficult time in our history. The people of our community, the ecumenical community and my Presbyterian churches in Algona and Irvington have really stepped up and served the Lord and each other.

Doorways and Pathways, AHS prom 2020

Sawyer Curtis and Maddie Nevitt pose on the bridge on the bike path off of Finn Drive as part of the Algona High School prom. The COVID-19 coronavirus changed a lot of events for schools this year, but students were able to have a prom, with several changes and a few months later than normal. Photo by Michelle Penning.

Kossuth County Fair is a go

KOSSUTH COUNTY—It will look different than past years, but the Kossuth County Fair is a go. The fair board voted on Sunday evening, June 21, to hold the county fair tentatively, Tuesday, Aug. 3 through Saturday, Aug. 8.

Hormel’s effort to keep COVID out has resulted in zero cases

ALGONA—The motto at the Hormel Foods Algona Plant is to “Keep COVID-19 out!” The branded food processing plant has had zero confirmed positives for any of its employees since the pandemic hit in March.

Tjaden named interim city administrator

ALGONA—Algona’s community development director has taken on interim city administrative duties. The Algona City Council unanimously approved Jacob Tjaden as interim city administrator during a special meeting on Wednesday, June 17.
“I’m excited for the challenge,” Tjaden said after the meeting. “I look forward to working with the council to see what we want to accomplish in the interim, and ultimately, what is our permanent solution and what that will look like?”

Algona public works director Covert resigns

ALGONA—Algona Public Works Director Ron Covert submitted a letter of resignation effective on July 17. He submitted the resignation on Friday, June 19.
“I felt it came to a point in my career where it is time for a change,” he said. “It is unrelated to other resignations in city hall.”
Read more in the June 25 Advance.

Kossuth towns celebrating Independence Day

KOSSUTH COUNTY—COVID-19 may have impacted quite a bit for this summer’s plans, but some Fourth of July celebrations are still underway for the communities of Kossuth County.
Wesley: Stephanie Ricke, Wesley’s city clerk, touched on just how much value is placed on that community’s Fourth of July celebration: “The Fourth of July is such an important holiday, and this is our biggest fundraiser of the year.”
Get the details on all the towns in the June 25 Kossuth County Advance.

Former supervisor voices concern about board minutes

KOSSUTH COUNTY—Former Kossuth County Board of Supervisors chair Don McGregor questioned the accuracy of three different board meeting minutes during the June 23 board meeting.
The minutes in question are May 21, 2019; Sept. 10, 2019; and Nov. 19, 2019. The board has directed the concerns to County Attorney Todd Holmes to review and decide on what or if anything needs to be done about the issue.

Unexpected graduation one to be remembered

The Bishop Garrigan graduates practice social distancing while posing for a class photo during commencement Sunday, June 21. Photos courtesy of BGHS.
ALGONA—Like many of her 38 other classmates graduating from Bishop Garrigan, Amanda Miller, the commencement speaker, didn’t expect to have a graduation this year because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

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