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Swea City City Council OK's new digital sign

SWEA CITY—The Swea City city council approved the purchase of a digital message board to be displayed at City Hall along Highway 9 at their last board meeting.
The current sign owned by the Swea City Improvement League, uses plastic letters that are switched in and out manually. It has served it’s purpose well but is old and in rough shape. The community is in need of an upgrade.
See the full story in the Feb. 25 Advance.

Vaccine call center open Thursday, Feb. 18

ALGONA—The Kossuth County Vaccine Call Center will be open on Thursday, February 18 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to schedule appointments for a Wednesday, Feb. 24, vaccine clinic. The Call Center phone number is 515-395-9111.

'Meant to Be'

WESLEY—She asked him to her junior prom.
“I thought he was a pretty neat guy,” she said.
“And then nothing really happened,” he said. “But then she invited me to her senior prom. After that, I thought maybe I wanted to date her, so I asked her for a date and we started dating. That continued for two years and then we made the big step.”
David Youngwirth and Helen Dorweiler literally were the boy and girl next door.

Algona plays big role in Negro Baseball League history

ALGONA—The Algona Brownies were a baseball team from 1898-1904 and organized again in the 1930s. They won at least one state semipro tournament. Between 1898 and 1901 the only reference to their team name was the Algona Base Ball Association.

School board hears about levy, OK’s staffing requests

ALGONA—Algona Community School District’s Board of Education got an update on legislative, financial, tax levy and personnel matters at its meeting Monday, Feb. 8.
Superintendent Joe Carter reported on the preliminary budget for fiscal year 2022, which starts July 1, 2021. 
“Our tax rate will be very close – within pennies – to the rate that we approved last year,” Carter said. 
Get the details in the Feb. 11 print edition of the Advance.

Local nonprofits seek funds from Algona; street bid comes in low; daycare funding OK'd

ALGONA—Seven community organizations requested funds from the city of Algona for the next budget year. Some of their representatives provided information about their activities and details about their requests during a city council work session Monday evening, Feb. 8.

KRHC renovation plan hearing set, CFO on the job

ALGONA—Kossuth Regional Health Center (KRHC) will take the next step in a renovation project by holding a public hearing on the project next Wednesday, Feb. 17 at noon. The hospital board of trustees will hold a special meeting for the hearing.

Chicks hatch lessons in ag

LU VERNE—The fourth graders at Lu Verne Elementary were excited to participate in Ag Day this year. They had the opportunity to learn about how byproducts from our crops are used in Iowa and the embryology of an egg. 
The embryology unit started with an introduction into the process of hatching chickens. The fourth graders then got to take six fertilized eggs into our classroom and watch them as they developed. 
See the full story in the Feb. 11 Advance print edition.

Girl Scout Cookies going on sale

ALGONA — The Girl Scout Cookie Program kicks off in Iowa Feb. 1, and Girl Scouts are selling in creative, socially distant, and contact-free ways to keep themselves and their customers safe. Girl Scouts are adapting their sales methods to share the joy of Girl Scout Cookies through the largest girl-led entrepreneurship program.

KCGS publishes "A Telephone and a Typewriter"

ALGONA—The Kossuth County Genealogical Society (KCGS) has published a new book, and it is sure to be a hit with history buffs and those interested in local people.

Full house for vaccine info

ALGONA—The Algona Senior Center was filled to capacity and people were being turned away at the door on Wednesday, Jan. 27. Health care professionals from Kossuth Regional Health Center were there to answer questions and address concerns regarding the next phase of the COVID-19 vaccine. Dan Peterson introduced the speakers and said “We can leave here a better informed community.”

Council will appoint replacement for Sudol; Algona buying new fire truck with four townships

ALGONA—Brooke Sudol is resigning her position from the Algona City Council, effective Feb. 15.
The seat Sudol holds is an at-large position, meaning all residents of Algona are eligible to hold the seat and vote for it in an election.

County wants Algona to put city taxes into EMS

ALGONA—Kossuth County supervisors Tuesday morning said they are willing to increase their contribution to the county emergency medical services budget by $30,000, but only if the city of Algona agrees to contribute at least $75,000 in property tax revenue from its next budget.
Get the full story in the Feb. 4 print edition.

AMU looks at long-term wind energy buy

ALGONA—Algona Municipal Utilities (AMU) trustees got a briefing about a potential wind farm energy power purchase agreement during their monthly meeting Jan. 27.
According to John Bilsten, AMU’s general manager, a preliminary review is starting on a proposed 10-year agreement to buy wind energy from an established wind farm at a set price.

Limited doses available for February 10 clinics - call center to re-open Feb. 4

ALGONA – Local public health officials have announced an additional COVID-19 vaccine clinic on February 10, with Call Center hours of Thursday, February 4 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to register for an appointment.

Wieland now a Colonel

Eric Wieland, a 1994 graduate from Algona High School, closed out 2020 as a Colonel in the Iowa National Guard.
Wieland received word in March of 2020 that he was up for the promotion to Colonel in the National Guard, which is commissioned by Congress. 
Learn more about this in a full feature in the Jan. 28 Kossuth County Advance.

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