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Supervisors to decide on DD 4 bid Aug. 3

ALGONA—After receiving input from the county attorney and their consultant for FEMA funding of drainage repairs at their meeting Tuesday morning, July 27, Kossuth County supervisors decided they will revisit bidding on a main ditch repair in Drainage District 4 in northern Kossuth County.
The county board plans to put an item on the agenda for the Tuesday, Aug. 3, meeting to consider rescinding or not rescinding the awarding of a bid to Reutzel Excavating on the project.

DOT plans work on U.S. 18 in 2022

ALGONA—The Iowa Department of Transportation’s (DOT) five-year plan includes an effort to improve a small section of U.S. Highway 18 in eastern Kossuth and western Hancock counties, the process of beginning to elevate the road to Super-2 status.
Get the details in the July 29 Advance print edition.

StoryWalk will read across the fair

ALGONA—-Iowa State University (ISU) Extension and Outreach in Kossuth County is inviting families to “Read Across the Kossuth County Fair” by participating in a StoryWalk. The StoryWalk, an outdoor reading experience, will take place from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on August 4-6 at the fairgrounds.
In June ISU Extension and Outreach hosted their first StoryWalk along Algona’s State Street. The event was successful and enjoyed by more than 20 families.

Student’s determination to honor vet leads to Hawaii

ALGONA—High school student Isabelle Gibbs and history teacher Brian Connick received a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Oahu, Hawaii through the National History Day Program. In Oahu, they learned about the culture of Hawaii and the role the island played in World War II, including the Pearl Harbor attacks. 

Iowa Lakes trustees visit Algona campus, Tietz Entrepreneurial Center

ALGONA—The Iowa Lakes Community College Board of Trustees received an update on the Tietz Entrepreneurial Center when it met Tuesday, July 20, on the Algona campus.  
Theresa Waechter, Algona campus supervisor, provided an update and introduced the employees. 

Algona school foundation raises $48,000

ALGONA—The Algona Community School Foundations annual golf outing and silent auction results showed once again what a special place Kossuth County is, organizers said. 
The event was held Tuesday, July 20, and it brought in $48,000 to the foundation, which uses the money to fund local scholarships and classroom enrichment activities. 
“The weather was great, the participation was excellent, and the results were phenomenal,” stated foundation consultant Barb Teeter.

SBA disaster assistance loans available in Kossuth County for businesses

KOSSUTH COUNTY—Small nonfarm businesses in Kossuth and 17 other Iowa counties and neighboring counties in Minnesota are now eligible to apply for low interest federal disaster loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration.  These loans offset economic losses because of reduced revenues caused by drought since April 1. 

Kossuth Speedway cuts ties with fill-in announcer

ALGONA—The Kossuth County Speedway announced last week that it cut ties with a substitute announcer after he made statements prior to the national anthem at the track Thursday, July 15, that were deemed unacceptable.

Less than half of Endow Iowa tax credits remain, Kossuth foundation encourages giving

KOSSUTH COUNTY—Less than half of Endow Iowa 25 percent state tax credits remain for 2022, as reported by the Iowa Economic Development Authority this month. As of July 12, approximately $2.7 million in credits remain of the original $6 million available. 

No Iowa school activities during new 'family week'

DES MOINES—The Iowa High School Athletic Association and Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union have an upcoming “Family Week” appearing in Iowa’s Unified Activity Federation calendar for the first time in 2020-21. This week will prohibit any coach and/or teacher contact with student-athletes and prohibits any IHSAA or IGHSAU event from occurring.

Rare goose makes a home at Union Slough, auto tour route opens Aug. 1

KOSSUTH COUNTY—A ‘ghostly’ Canada goose will be one of the highlights at the Union Slough auto tour route opening Aug. 1.
A partial albino Canada goose has spent most of the summer at Union Slough National Wildlife Refuge. As a result, visitors may see the rare bird during the Refuge’s auto tour route opening from Aug. 1 through Sept. 20. 

Sweet Fun at Fenton

Alana Bredlow of Urbandale, daughter of Michelle (Miller) Bredlow, a Fenton native, enjoys an ear of corn during the Sunday feed at the annual Fenton Sweet Corn Days. See lots more photos in the July 29 Advance print edition.

U.S. 18 work in DOT's plans for 2022

ALGONA—The Iowa Department of Transportation’s (DOT) five-year plan includes an effort to improve a small section of U.S. Highway 18 in eastern Kossuth and western Hancock counties, the process of beginning to elevate the road to Super-2 status. The DOT also has plans for other road and bridge work in Kossuth County. See the July 29 Kossuth County Advance for more details.
To see the full DOT five-year plan, click on the pdf link.

Dozens protest vax mandate for Trinity Health staff at Kossuth Regional

ALGONA—Dozens of people lined either side of U.S. Highway 169 and sat in the shade under a tree in a protest at Kossuth Regional Health Center here Saturday, July 24.

LIVING YOUR BEST: Pickleball gaining popularity, needs court

ALGONA—Pickleball has been the fastest growing sport in the United States and is gaining popularity in Algona and surrounding communities. Pickleball has been popular in the south for a long time. Algona residents who spend winters in the south we’re playing it and missed it when they came back to Algona.

LIVING YOUR BEST: 'Nothing more fulfilling than helping others'

ALGONA—Dan Peterson has found volunteering at the Algona Senior Center to be a great way to spend his time helping others. Peterson was voted on to the board of directors of the Active Citizens of Algona (Algona Senior Center) at the beginning of 2021.

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