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Lots of activities planned in Whittemore

WHITTEMORE—Four days of activities for all ages are planned in Whittemore during the Memorial Day weekend. 

All “Sunday Funday” proceeds go toward the Whittemore Sesquicentennial Celebration in June 2028.

Schedule of events includes: 

Saturday, May 28: 

• 8:30 a.m. Red-White & Blue “Ribfest BBQ’’ Registration and All-Day Contest with ticket-only “Rib Taste Testing” starting at 5 p.m. until gone.

May is National Mental Health Awareness Month

ALGONA—Amidst a growing crisis, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is urging that we all come “Together for Mental Health”—NAMI’s theme for Mental Health Awareness Month in May—to fight stigma, raise awareness and advocate for a better mental health care system.

Kossuth County Audit report


KOSSUTH COUNTY—Gardiner + Company today released an audit report on Kossuth County.


Financial highlights:

The county's governmental revenues totaled $26,291,917 for the year ended June 30, 2021, a 10.17 percent decrease from the prior year. Expenses for county operations for the year ended June 30, 2021 totaled $23,559,392, a 2.50 percent decrease from the prior year.


Audit findings:

Farmers have 86 percent of Iowa’s expected corn crop planted

DES MOINES—Weather conditions allowed farmers to gain ground on spring planting with 5.4 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending May 22 according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. Fieldwork activities included planting and spraying when winds allowed.

Cash rental rates rise significantly across Iowa

DES MOINES—Stronger commodity prices and farmland values are leading to higher cash rents across most of the state. The most recent annual survey of cash rental rates for Iowa farmland showed that rates increased an average of 10.3 percent in 2022, to $256 per acre.

Happy Graduation Day

ALGONA—Thirty-two students were awarded diplomas from Bishop Garrigan High School during commencement exercises on Sunday, May 15 in the Friedmann Auditorium at Bishop Garrigan High School.

Lynn Miller, president of Bishop Garrigan, read a greeting and letter of encouragement from Bishop R. Walker Nickless of the Sioux City Diocese. 

West Bend Mallard 2022 Graduation

Colin Montag accepts his diploma from President Zaugg at graduation.


Payton Colwell-Fevold processes into graduation.


West Bend Mallard 2022 Graduation

Class President Rachel Henriksen giving the welcome speech. Submitted photos

Ella Hagebock shows her excitement after receiving her diploma.

Tanner Boever, Parker Eichenberger

McKayla Burt, Gabby Kelly

Arrowood sets new state, national and world records

By Amy Frankl-Brandt

News Editor

Friendships formed at Walking Club Walking Together Twice A Week

By Kim Wegener

Features Writer


ALGONA—The Algona Walking Club was started last summer with just a few people initially showing up to walk. Almost a year later, the club has grown to as many as eight to 10 walkers at a time. The group is always looking for more people to join them on their walks.

Throwback: Mystery Gas Station

Three men stand in front of an old gas station somewhere in Kossuth County. The names of the men are unknown but its location would be easy to find. It still exists and looks similar enough that it would easily be recognized. Do you know where it is? Take your family or friends on a treasure hunt to find it. Recreate this photo and send it to

Titonka Bible School

Titonka community Vacation Bible School will be held June 5 through June 9 for pre-school through anyone completeing sixth grade. Join in for Bible stories, games and crafts. 

Registration is available at the Titonka Library or online at


A macrame class was also held recently at the Titonka Public Library to raise funds for the library. Mollie Schimmelpfennig taught patrons how to make a rope plant hanger. Students took home their creations. Submitted photo

Notes on Iowa- Retracing the Journey of Albert Lea and the 1835 Iowa Dragoons

TITONKA—On Thursday, May 12, the Titonka Public Library held a special presentation given by award winning Waldorf History Professor Kevin Mason. 

Kiwanis students of the month

The Kiwanis have announced their most recent students of the month. Algona Middle School student is Colton Wait, son of Richard and Krista Wait. In top photo from left are: Richard, Krista, Colton, Pete Waltz (teacher) and Bob Ketchum (Kiwanis President). 

Algona Middle School student is Natalie Reemtsma, daughter of Doug and Serena Reemtsma pictured in second photo with Pete Waltz (teacher) and Bob Ketchum (Kiwanis President). 

70 years since high school

By Amy Frankl-Brandt

News Editor

The Fenton class of 1952 will hold their class reunion this Friday, May 20, 70 years to the exact day they graduated high school. The Class of ‘52 have held a reunion faithfully every five years since graduating.

Their class flower was a yellow tea rose, class colors were orchid and yellow and the class motto was “Take one step forward and secure that step.”

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