Lead Summary
LONE ROCK – Area farmers rallied around a friend who had lost his father just the night before to harvest 160 acres of soybeans.
“We’re happy we could do it for him,” said Scott Looft. “It is just what we do in that area. It is as simple as that. It is just what you do for a neighbor.”
Merwyn ‘Mert’ Hurlburt passed away on Oct. 1 at the Hawkeye Care Center in Bancroft.
Hurlburt’s nephew, Randy Hurlburt called Looft on Saturday evening as soon as Mert had passed away. Mert’s son, Tony, was a farmer and his soybeans needed to be harvested. Mert had died that day, so Looft and Randy Hurlburt went over to Tony’s place on Sunday to help harvest the soybeans.
To read more, see the Oct. 13 issue of the Algona Upper Des Moines.