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Thanksgiving dinner and other assorted trivia

When you read this, Thanksgiving will be over. However, I'm writing this a week before the feast since I'll be kinda busy the week of. Why, you say? So glad you asked. I'm doing Thanksgiving for a cast of thousands. Okay, 10, but for me, that's a cast of thousands.

Support a star educator at WB-M

The West Bend-Mallard Achievement Foundation will once again head up a project called Support a Star Educator to provide teachers with supplies and tools for their classes. It will save money that the school would otherwise need to draw from the general fund.

of ivy scarlett and dog obedience class 101

Ivy Scarlett is driving me crazy.
She's decided to stay out all night, sleeping in her doghouse, which doubles as my garage, instead of in the house, keeping me company. She has a wing chair out there to sleep on, but she prefers the puffy, down-filled bed beside the chair.
Read Molly's Ink Spots in the Nov. 21 Kossuth County Advance.

An existing option to fund EMS?

When people pick up a phone and call 911 in a medical emergency, they expect an ambulance service or medical responder service to be available.

Please, Shop Algona First

The holiday season is here again. As you are reading this, Thanksgiving is a week away. It seems like at times we lose Thanksgiving in all of the hype about Christmas. Our community has many events that focus on Thanksgiving, so please see if they work into your family's schedule and participate.

Haase Findlay returns to Algona

Tina Haase Findlay is returning to Algona to reach out to young musicians and others in the surrounding community. She will fill the air with the sounds of jazz, blues and pop on Nov. 15 at the Wilcox Performing Arts Center
During the day Friday, Haase Findlay will provide music clinics at Algona schools for both high school and middle school students and for the jazz choirs of Bishop Garrigan. The students will have a short concert at the end of the school day.

Cribbage, a jersey and a lifelong friendship

Lavonne Lindhorst celebrates her 98th birthday today. But, on display in her room is a gift she received two weeks ago from Garrett Schmidt, a longtime friend and a senior at Algona High School. He is also a member of the unbeaten Bulldogs football team.
"The seniors for senior night gave their away jerseys to somebody that's made a difference in their lives or somebody that's really important to them," Garrett said.

Reflect on this

Mirrors are amazing things, really. They allow us to do things that would otherwise be really difficult.
For instance, plucking eyebrows or – sorry about this one – nose hairs, is pretty difficult without looking at a reflection. Combing one's hair is aided by a mirror. I'm sure we could make really long lists of things that are easier when we can see our reflections.
Read the rest of On the Side in the Nov. 7 Advance.

Of being (sort of) lost and found

I fell off the face of the earth last week. At least, that's what seemed to happen. Actually, I was alive and well and drinking coffee at Cafe Boutique with some of my pals. However, I wasn't supposed to be drinking coffee with some of my pals then. I was supposed to be playing bridge in the hospital round robin. At nine in the morning. Not one in the afternoon, as I thought.

Pay for not working

Sue and I were on one of our anniversary weekend excursions – a three-day weekend exploring some part of Iowa. That particular year we were in Newton, and it was on the heels of the closing of the Maytag production facilities there after the company was purchased by Whirlpool.
To say the community suffered an immediate economic sucker punch is putting it mildly.
Read the rest of On the Side in the Oct. 31 Advance.

Spread wealth of good health: fall is flu vaccine season

I hate to say this, but sometimes it's not about you.
When it comes to taking care of ourselves, it's easy to put off preventive medicine for other pressing issues and life in general. There are times, however, when our choices can impact others. Getting the seasonal flu is a great example.
Read the complete editorial in the Oct. 31 Kossuth County Advance.

Brad Hicks

A pretty smart fellow stopped by my office a few weeks ago to let me know a few things, one of which was that he thought the Advance was stirring the pot with regard to the ongoing controversy over potential new wind energy projects in Kossuth County.

The role of foster parents

If you haven't been exposed to foster care, you might think that the best thing for children is for them to be rescued from a bad environment and removed from their home permanently. But that's not true.
Foster care isn't a quick, easy avenue to adoption. It's loving, temporary care for children while their parents receive the support they need to welcome them home.
Read the entire editorial in the Sept. 19 Advance.

Back to School - Start the Fundraisers!

The students are back in the classroom. They can't wait to learn, meet new teachers, see their friends, and, er... sell you some stuff.
That's right. It's time to usher in a whole new 2019-20 year of fundraising. Now, before you run and hide whenever you see a youngster in a backpack approaching, consider the impact your generosity makes.
Read the complete column in the Sept. 12 Kossuth County Advance.

Celebrate our Constitution

Sept. 17 starts the national celebration of Constitution Week. The commemoration of America's most important document is one of our country's least-known observances. Our Constitution stands as a testament to the tenacity of Americans throughout history to maintain their liberties and freedom.

Of TSA agents and travels with Molly/Mary

Travel by air is never boring. At least, not for me.
Some readers may recall I wrote about losing my wallet in Los Angeles last spring, just before flying home from LAX. I always carry my wallet in a pocket, rather than in a purse, because that just seems handier. Not so much, though, when wallet and pocket fail to meet.
Read Molly's Ink Spots in the Sept. 12 Advance.

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