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no predictions, but some ideas for Iowa's lawmakers

People who grew up in bygone days could stand in line at the grocery store and ponder the covers of various tabloids featuring the late Jean Dixon. She was a psychic and astrologer who made predictions throughout her life, but the tabloids featured her musings annually around the start of the new year.

of teddy bears, deceased and otherwise

I had a grand time in Los Angeles over Christmas, thank you so much for asking. And, even if you didn't ask, I still had a grand time.
With three of our children and their spouses, plus two amazing grandchildren (Dylan, 7, and Molly Scarlett, 5) living there, how could it not be a wonderful time? A highlight was a slumber party with Dylan, Molly and Nana in their Aunt Meg's king-sized guest bed.
Read Molly's ink Spots in the Jan. 16 Advance.

Staff, supportive communit help all RISE

The first semester of the 2019-20 school year in Algona Community School District has been wonderful. Our staff and students continue to make the choice every day to rise to the occasion and reach for the future.
I am often reminded as I walk through the halls of the high school or stop into a classroom at Bertha Godfrey, Bryant or Lucia Wallace, the Algona School District is filled with top-notch educators and top-notch students.

New year brings promises of what?

Welcome to 2020. It seems like yesterday that my sons were 9 and 6, and my wife and I opted to forego our traditional night out to stay home and usher in 2000 with them. What a night it was.
As midnight neared, they stood on our couch, arms extended high in the air, holding balls from their ball pit. We counted down the seconds, and at the moment, they dropped the balls.
Read the rest of this column in the Jan. 2 Advance.

A January column revisited, three decades later

I'm going to cheat a bit this week. You will be reading this on Jan. 2, 2020. I'm writing it on Dec. 21, 2019. By the time it is published, I will have flown to Los Angeles and back for Christmas with our California offspring, hopefully with sufficient identification to get me on the plane.

Emotionally draining front pages

Recently, I was visiting with a friend, Don McGuire, who enjoys history as much as I do. I told him that this past year it has, at times, been emotionally draining to read the front pages of previous Algona newspapers.

A simple reminder: go be kind

I hope that everyone reading this had a Merry Christmas. As we look ahead to a new year, I realize it's been a long time since we have reminded everyone to Go Be Kind as we go about our daily lives.
A favorite quote of mine is from Robin Williams: "Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about – be kind always."
Read the complete column in the Jan. 2 Kossuth County Advance.

A memorable Christmas — gifts to mom and the boys

There was snow on the ground, and it was a very cold, but bright, sunny day in mid-December 1941. Mom told us kids that we were going somewhere special.
Dad and Mom loaded Don (age 3), Julian (age 5) and me (age 6) into our Model A Ford and drove about 45 miles to Fort Dodge. We seldom traveled more than a few miles from home, so that seemed like a long trip.
Read the rest of Jim's Christmas memory in the Dec. 26 Advance.

New event, new digs for SPAC

Stinson Prairie Arts Council (SPAC) is looking forward to an exciting 2020, filled with fine art exhibits, events and opening the doors to the Carnegie Centre for the Arts.
In 2019, we hosted an artist show and photography show for adults and a high school show for students. This year, SPAC members plan to add a show for the younger artist.
Read more in the Dec. 26 Kossuth County Advance.

of beloved childhood dolls and a teddy bear

I loaned my children to the Historical Society a couple of weeks ago. But don't worry, I brought them home last week.
The children, Margaret Ann, Jeannie, Me and Mimi, and Sister, survived nicely without me for the week they were on display at the museum. They were propped up prettily in my dad's wicker pram, which moved from our attic to the museum years ago.
Read Molly's Ink Spots in the Dec. 19 Kossuth County Advance.

Noe's calling

Noe Villareal couldn't contain his emotions. He was overjoyed at the turnout for the annual Tacos for Tots, a fundraiser for the C.A.R.E. Team in Algona. It was held the same night as the Algona Area Chamber of Commerce live greeting card windows and lighted parade Monday evening, Dec. 2.
Read the rest of On the Side in the Dec. 12 Advance.

Shopping local for Health Care makes a difference

Are the presents all bought? Stocked up on baking supplies for the Christmas cookies?
We are in the season of shopping, as we prepare for the holidays. We all know that shopping locally, whenever possible, helps support our neighborhood retailers and businesses. Did you know that shopping locally for your health care makes a difference too?
Read more of this column in the Dec. 12 Kossuth County Advance.

Family disrespected at funeral procession

On Veterans Day of this year, I had the honor of being a casket bearer for Mr. Ray Uthof of Fenton. Ray was a 90-year-old World War II veteran with three bronze campaign stars. He was also a lifetime resident of Fenton and a good friend.
Read more in the Dec. 12 Kossuth County Advance.

Wind turbines in migratory bird path

On the morning of Tuesday, Dec. 2, I came upon a dead juvenile trumpeter swan lying on a gravel road one mile northeast of Ledyard that parallels the new high-voltage power lines that connect to the electrical substation three miles east of Ledyard. It appeared to have been killed by flying into the electric lines during the night.
Read more in the Dec. 12 Kossuth County Advance.

Wrong to chide dems for caucus efforts

One political party in the United States actually believes in Democracy with a capital "D." The other claims to support it, then undermines it at every turn through gerrymandering, purging of voter rolls, disinformation and outright corruption; i.e., illegally extorting foreign governments to aid one's political campaign.
To chide them for their efforts seems unduly cynical (On the Side, Dec. 5).
Read more in the Dec. 12 Kossuth County Advance.

Caucus, virtually

Call me skeptical about the Iowa Democratic Party's plans to conduct virtual caucuses the first Monday in February.
The idea is to be more inclusive and who is going to argue against that? Shift workers, snowbirds, officials of junior varsity basketball games and people who are otherwise busy the first weekend of the month, generally miss a chance to caucus. Finding ways to allow them to participate is laudable.
Read the full column in the Dec. 5 Kossuth County Advance.

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