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Throwback: Ledyard's Church St.

Today’s throwback comes from Ben F. Reed’s book History of Kossuth County, Vol. 1.

The town has an abundance of churches to support. There were five, but one has gone out of existence. The United Brethren church, which was organized in 1898, has disbanded and the edifice is now used as an opera house.

Ink Spots

We watched the sun go down on Galway Bay


Letter to the Editor

Congress and Senate

To the Editor:

In some countries and our country, our armies are fighting terrorist’s organizations who ruthlessly rape, torture, destroy and murder the good people of their country.

In these countries there are hundreds of men, women, and families who have willingly, behind the lines, given useful information and fought side-by-side with weapons.

Stinson Prairie Arts Council needs you

The Stinson Prairie Arts Council (SPAC) has some wonderful events coming up this summer.

SPAC will be hosting a Summer Solstice party at the Plum Creek Winery again this year with music, food and beverages. Emma Elsbecker will be performing. Weather permitting this event will take place out on the lawn so bring a lawnchair.

Out of the Past

Stop the mosquitos with screen doors



150 Years Ago

Our Cornet Band is favoring the people of the town with some very fine music during these bright evenings.  They have blowed so much for us we feel compelled to “blow” a little for them.  And we think we may safely say that no other band in Northern Iowa can furnish as good music as our own.  They may be assured that their efforts are appreciated.


125 Years Ago

Tiny but Fierce Library Love Stories

We want to hear your stories.

This series will feature reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words. Send to

Do you have a favorite moment? A favorite book? A favorite librarian? A piece of information the library had that set important wheels in motion? A favorite nook? A favorite smell? An exhibit? A program? Do you love knitting with friends at the library?

Families of Faith


Does anything surprise people anymore?

By Rev. John Heille, Good Hope, Immanuel and St. John Lutheran Churches

I heard that question a while back.  It feels like a good question for our days. We live in a world of instant information and global news coverage. Artificial intelligence and fast internet searches give quick ready answers for many everyday questions.

Throwback: Outline construction schedule for city's new 'North Park' (1974)

The Algona city park board has named its proposed new park complex along the Des Moines river north of town “North Park,” and plans to start construction this spring. Bob Engstrom, assistant superintendent of Public Improvement for the City of Algona said the park will be constructed in two phases, the first being the upcoming warm weather building season, and the second coming a year from now.

Letters to the editor

Shrimp, Manufactured Homes, Prices

Letter to the Editor:

Several recent news items seem unrelated but have a common foundation, corporate greed.

The Daily Umbrella

Remember the boy who cried wolf

With the severe weather lately, I was thinking about how we make ourselves aware of dangerous situations today and how that process has changed.

Many of us rely on the emergency siren alerts, which, for the most part, continue to be a reliable source. Of course, most all of us have read or heard about rare situations when the sirens did not go off, and a town was leveled by a tornado.

Out of the Past

Burt makes it to the state baseball semi-finals


150 Years Ago

LOCAL NOTICES.  --- STRAY. --- Taken up by me at my residence seven miles north of Algona (Sec. 3-96-29), a red steer with white stripe in face and left hind leg lame.  Fred Kopka.


125 Years Ago

Tiny but Fierce Library Love Stories

We want to hear your stories.

This series will feature reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words. Send to

Do you have a favorite moment? A favorite book? A favorite librarian? A piece of information the library had that set important wheels in motion? A favorite nook? A favorite smell? An exhibit? A program? Do you love knitting with friends at the library?

Families of Faith

An Everlasting Legacy

By Rev. Jason Fischer & Bekah Fischer, Algona Faith 

A    poet named Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote the poem titled “Ozymandias.” In this poem, Shelley writes about a traveler who found a ruined statue of an ancient king. One stanza reads “My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!” The poet goes on to describe the landscape around the statue, a barren, wasteland of sand.

Throwback: First Avenue of flags honored 50 veterans

From June 4, 1970 archive of the Algona Upper Des Moines newspaper.

Fifty flags were dedicated at the Kossuth County “Avenue Of Flags”as the highlight of the Memorial Day program held in front of the Kossuth County court house Saturday, May 30.

There were 28 flags placed in honor of World War I veterans; 17 for those who served in World War II; 1 for a Korean veteran; one for a Spanish-American War veteran; and three for Vietnam casualties.

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Dear Kossuth County Board of Supervisors:

I am writing this letter because I am trying to understand what is going on with the library budget cuts (I am writing this on a Sunday afternoon before the next meeting on Tuesday, May 21). When I read and re-read again the posted agenda for this Tuesday I cannot tell if library cuts will be discussed. The agenda only mentions “Discussion/Decision Public Hearing for FY 2023-2024 FY Budget Amendment.”

Out of the Past

Thirteen new flags to be dedicated on Memorial Day

150 Years Ago

Local Matters. The Difference. -- One of our citizens has received a letter from a friend in Grant Co. Wisc., stating that on the 2d of this month there was six inches of snow, and at the time of writing, about the 10th inst., farmers were just beginning to put in their grain.


125 Years Ago

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