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Whittemore Library events

Several people showed up at the Whittemore Public Library for the Christmas Bar Crawl where they got to sample holiday treats.

On Jan. 14 from 2-3 p.m., the library will be presenting the popular program “Who gets Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate.” Participants will learn how to easily handle non-title property and belongings left by their loved ones.

West Bend Library events


Arwen Hellman works on spreading a little Christmas JOY during Story Hour.

Ryker Winkelhorst completes his gift to someone special. Submitted photos.

Community Calendar & 3•2•Do


YMCA Sweatstock

The Algona is hosting a sweatstock for all members and non-members of the Algona Family YMCA to try a variety of fitness classes between 7:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m on Saturday, January 4. Classes include MuscleUp!; lift & row; stretch, strength & stability; group power; Just Dance; and Rusty Hinges.

Community Blood Drive

Recurring & Ongoing Events

To update this information, email or call 515-295-3535. Some changes to schedules may occur without notice.

____Libraries, Museums, Recreation, Events_____

Algona Nativity Scene: Small groups by appointment. Call 515-295-7241.

Algona POW Museum: Saturdays and Sundays 1-4 p.m.; Memorial Day to Labor Day open weekdays 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.


Hackbarth 90th

Iris Hackbarth is celebrating her 90th birthday on Tuesday, January 7.

A card shower is being hosted in celebration. Cards can be sent to 1809 E. Locust St., Algona, IA 50511.


Bodie Walker White

Calen and Jordan (Polzin) White of Nora Springs announce the birth of their son, Bodie Walker on December 21, 2024, at the Kossuth Regional Health Center.

He weighed 9 pounds, 9 ounces and was 19 inches long.

Bodie joins sister Madelyn.

History in Whittemore

The Kossuth County Historical Society will be holding their annual meeting at Pitcher’s in Whittemore on Jan. 11 at 5 p.m.

Learn about Whittmore history and share your own stories. Speakers will also talk about plans for a Whittemore museum where artifacts can be preserved for years to come. There will also be a film presentation of Whittemore’s Centennial parade in 1978.

Kossuth County Sheriff Report

Notice to Readers:

The information included on this page has been obtained from public records — either court files, police and sheriff logs or accident reports. The Kossuth County Advance staff reminds readers that all charges are accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.


Monday, December 23

7:31 a.m. Request for an ambulance, Lone Rock.

1:28 p.m. Request for traffic control.

Algona Police Report

Monday, December 23

5:12 a.m. Parking complaint.

9:16 a.m. Theft.

11:05 a.m. Ambulance.

5:36 p.m. Ambulance.

6:38 p.m. Speak with officer regarding theft.  Referred to Britt PD.

11:34 p.m. Ambulance.


Tuesday, December 24

1:38 a.m. Ambulance call.

1:58 a.m. Ambulance call.

9:40 a.m. Aided.

11:37 a.m. Speak with officer.

2:39 p.m. Alarm.

9:11 p.m. Death.


AMU Programming

Monday,  Jan. 6

9 a.m.: Presbyterian Church

6 p.m.: Algona Schools Today

8 p.m.: Girls/Boys BB vs. Bishop Garrigan


Tuesday,  Jan. 7

9 a.m.: Trinity Lutheran Church

10 a.m.: Grace Church

7 p.m.: City Council


Wednesday,  Jan. 8

9 a.m.: Faith Assembly of God

10:30 a.m.: Divine Mercy Catholic Church

11:30 a.m.: City Council

6 p.m.: Algona Schools Today

Active Seniors


Facebook: Activeseniorsofalgona




Thursday, Jan. 2

Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetable, fruit

11 a.m. – Exercise


Friday, Jan. 3

Chicken noodle soup, cornbread, vegetable, fruit

Euchre starts again

Euchre will again be starting at Pep’s in Algona on Tuesday, Jan. 7 at 6:45 p.m.

If you need a partner or for more information, call Elaine at 515-320-3719.

Taking down a holiday tree?

Trees are accepted at the Veterans Park compost site, along with brush, leaves, grass clippings and other yard and garden waste.

When disposing of a real tree at the Veterans Park compost site, please follow these steps.

First, undecorate the tree. Remove all ornaments, decorations, tinsel, lights, wires, and/or tree stands from the tree before bringing it to the compost pile.

Only real trees can be composted. Artificial trees are not accepted.

Historical events from January 1925

The month of January has been home to many historical events over the years. Here’s a look at some that helped to shape the world in January 1925.

• Christiania, the capital city of Norway, is renamed “Oslo” on January 1.

The history behind New Year’s traditions

New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are a time to both reflect on the past year and to look forward to the excitement the months ahead will bring. There may be confetti, there are probably noisemakers and some bubbly is likely overflowing from champagne flutes.

Get a head start on New Year’s resolutions

After the rush of the holiday season has largely ended, and the excess of the season starts to weigh on celebrants’ minds, it is customary for many people to start thinking about the changes they want to implement in the new year. According to a Pew Research Center survey of United States adults conducted in January 2024, 30 percent of people reported making at least one resolution, with half of this group making more than one.

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