A funny thing happened on the way to ... where? or what? Hard to describe what I’m trying to write about. You see, our oldest daughter, Heather, came down from Minneapolis two weeks ago to spend a weekend with her Beloved Mother (okay, my description, not necessarily hers). In the course of our reminiscing about her and her siblings growing-up years, she recalled with a chuckle how her dad’s arms would itch whenever we would tease him. He’d try to hide it but finally as the chorus of, “Look - I’ll bet Dad’s arms are starting to itch,” grew, he inevitably would scratch his arms, all the while insisting they weren’t really itching.
See the full column in the June 17 print edition of the Advance. Subscribe by calling 515-295-3535 or get single copies for $1.50 on newsstands starting June 16.