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Board receives update on Algona EMS issues

Lead Summary

ALGONA — Without volunteers, the Algona Emergency Medical Services (EMS) would be in dire straits, the Kossuth County Board of Supervisors heard during its weekly meeting.
“We are certainly in crisis mode,” said Algona EMS Director Gary Merrill. “We don’t have a good solution right now.”
Merrill provided a short presentation to the Board of Supervisors that showed the traditional and actual view of EMS finances. Over the last five years, the Algona EMS has seen a “dramatic” reduction in the hours staffed by volunteers, or in other words, in the donation of labor, from $783,000 to $500,000. 
“We know that if we had no volunteers at all, all paid staffing, we know that our personnel expenses would be huge,” Merrill said.
For more on this story, please see the June 8 issue of Kossuth County Advance.


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